Can't have you - Beth and Viv

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B - Why have you just started ignoring me all of a sudden viv, why have you stopped talking to me

V - Because i'm struggling ok beth, am i not allowed to not be ok

B - You are allowed to not be ok of corse viv but don't just take it all out on me because i have already taken so much from you because of when you broke up with lisa because i struggle as well ok

Viv had been off with beth and what beth for sure didn't want to be happening right now id having a shouting match with beth.

V  - Right ok beth i'm just going to tell you the truth....

It's hard when all of the people who want to be with me, i'm not interested and all of the poeople that i am interested in are not interested in me, and won't want to be with me

B - what do you mean viv you've literally fot the hole world at your feet you kno..

Before beth could finish her sentence she was interupted by viv kissing her

For both of the girls it felt like fireworks going off in there bodys. what viv didn't know is that beth had, had feelings for viv for almost as long as viv had liked beth.

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