ii. episode one, part two.

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Daniella was fed up with her and Heaven's argument. This led to her throwing the first punch, the punch landing on the side of Heaven's head. After her first punch, Daniella started to windmill, hoping to get the best of Heaven who was much bigger than her.

INTV: DANIELLA: "Listen... A bitch is only 5'4, but I'm not gonna back down at the end of the day. Heaven thought she could punk somebody and I had to show her very early on in the season that she wasn't punking anybody over here."

INTV: CHANELLE: "I don't give a fuck what anybody says, if I see my sister fighting, it's gonna be hard to just sit there and watch the shit. I was prepared to jump in that shit until I saw that my sister was handling hers."

INTV: ET: "I kinda got my eye on Chanelle out of all the girls on here and it's like right out the gate, her sister fighting. That's not the shit I came here for so I might keep my distance from both of 'em."

Before the fight could continue, Security got involved and tried to remove Heaven's hands from Daniella's hair.

"Nah, let her go!" Chanelle yelled while attempting to pull the two girls apart. 

"Like why is she inserting herself?" Hoodbaby whispered to Jess.

Chanelle managed to loosen Heaven's grip and separate the two girls. She pulled her sister out of the dressing room by her arm and led her into a different dressing room. Daniella's hair was messed up from the altercation.

"You good?" Chanelle asked.

"Nah, I'm mad as hell. I can calm down right now for this photoshoot, but the bitch lucky I ain't get my hair fixed up yet. If she fucked up my wig it would've been a problem." Daniella ranted out of anger.

INTV: SAPPHIRE: "I can't even be mad at these girls for fighting. It's been made clear that everyone here needs their chance to grow."

Sapphire walked into the dressing room with Moni trailing behind her. "You good, boo?" Moni asked as she walked over to Daniella, pulling her into a hug. Daniella simply nodded in response.

"You did good by not jumping into that fight, Chanelle." Sapphire applauded her.

"Thank you," Chanelle replied with a fake smile on her face.

No one got the chance to say another word because the group heard screaming coming from outside the dressing room. Heaven was screaming at Security, telling them to let her at Daniella.

"If that bitch gon' keep talking, this shit won't be over," Chanelle warned Sapphire.

"I get that, but at the same time, are y'all here to grow or not?" Sapphire asked the sisters with her arms crossed.

"It's not like we came in here saying we wanted to fight bitches! Heaven's dumbass started the shit when she came in our dressing room. They're so fucking pressed about us not being on TV before. Why the fuck does that matter?" 

"That's true..." Moni agreed with her. "Everybody worried about it but I feel like it's not that serious."

Daniella tried to hide her smile when Moni stuck up for her in front of Sapphire.

INTV: MONI: "To me, Heaven is extra as fuck. I feel like that whole fight is Heaven's fault. She's the type of girl that'll do anything for some type of attention."

Production was able to calm Heaven down eventually. Sapphire and Moni were asked to leave the dressing room while Production talked to Daniella and Chanelle. They were left alone in the dressing room for an hour and a half.

"So things have gotten hectic in the past hour." A Producer revealed. "After your fight with Heaven, the person that was assigned to do your hair ended up leaving. Also, everything got crazy just now during the photoshoot with Hoodbaby and Naj."

Chanelle was shocked to hear that another fight went on while they were waiting in the dressing room.

"We have some good news and bad news. For the bad news, you two won't be doing your shoots today." Another Producer told them, the news making Daniella shake her head in a disappointed manner.

"For the good news, we have it rescheduled. You two will do your photoshoots at a later time and we'll have to add you to the overall cast shoot. We're gonna keep you guys in here for right now. Hoodbaby and Naj are still into it."

INTV: CHANELLE: "At home, I'm usually the one starting problems. I'm always involved in some kind of drama and Daniella's always inserting herself. The roles kind of reversed because now that we're here, she's into it with somebody on day one."

It took another hour for Chanelle and Daniella to be let out of their dressing room. They were brought outside where most of the girls were talking. When they were on their way out, Naj was walking in visibly upset about something.

"So what happened? Daniella fucked around and now we done missed everything." Chanelle asked the other girls as they made their way outside. Everyone except for Heaven, Zoey, Luccy, and Naj was standing outside.

"Shit, I'll tell you. Naj and Hoodbaby got into a lil' squabble at the photoshoot. Hoodbaby and Heaven was arguing too. Naj and Hoodbaby just got into a argument out here and Naj went back in the office, I guess to change..." Shabba explained to Chanelle and Daniella who missed all of it.

"It's too much going on," Moni added, most of the girls agreeing with her.

"Definitely is. I don't like how bitches got me and my sister name in they mouth but it's cool." Chanelle said, using the moment to get something off her chest. She got the feel that most of the girls felt the same way Heaven did just from their reactions to what she said.

Out of nowhere, Hoodbaby spoke up.

"If we feel like you don't deserve to be on the show, we gon' say the shit. Don't be mad 'cause nobody know you hoes." She said.

INTV: CHANELLE: "I've only known Hoodbaby for a couple hours now so I can't say much about the girl nor do I want to. What I can say is about the bitch is that she doesn't know how to shut the fuck up."

"Nobody knows us? Girl, who the fuck are you? Fuck wrong with this bitch?" Chanelle shot back.

"Don't direct shit this way 'cause you already got two bitches coming after you. Take them L's then you can step to a bitch." Daniella checked her.

On cue, Naj came outside in a different outfit. She was prepared to fight Hoodbaby. After exchanging a few words, Naj and Hoodbaby came to blows in the parking lot.

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