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Rose's POV

We arrived at Oscar's house in about twenty minutes and the ride wasn't even a little awkward.

We chatted and laughed all the time. Oscar's dad, made some pretty funny dad jokes.

Or maybe they weren't that funny, I just have broken humour.


I greeted his mum, who was even more sweet than his father and she baked some American pancakes, for us to eat.

That's when I got a call from an unknown number. It was probably some of the sponsors so I excused myself and to the bathroom to have silence.


"Hi, Rose. It's Maya... Oscar's PR manager. I know it isn't my place to tell you, but it just has to be done."

"What happened? You're scaring me."

"Oscar cheated on you."

"What? I don't believe you. He wouldn't..."

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I just wanted to tell you, because I feel like you need to know the truth."

"Amm... thank you, I guess. Have a nice day."

"Sorry, Rose. Hold it together."

She ends the call and I am there, standing frozen in place. Shocked.

But he wouldn't. Would he?


What was I thinking? Trusting him? He was a walking red flag since the day fucking one.

I stormed out of the bathroom and stood in front of Oscar.

"We need to talk." I firmly say, glaring at him.

He stands up and follows me to his room.

Thank God, he gave me a house tour before.

I smashed the door after walking in.

I wasn't gonna yell. It's stupid to yell. It means you're weak. I have to be strong.

"Did you cheat?" I ask him calmly.

His expression changed to worry. Fuck him. Fuck him!

"Yes." he coldly says and looks me straight into my eyes.

"I love you."

I tell him, before laughing at his face, grabbing my bags and storming out of the house.

I call a taxi and Lando.

"Which hotel are you in?"


"Do you need to know fucking everything?! Just fucking tell me."

After he told me where he is, the taxi just arrived and I tell him the address.

Oscar didn't come after me. Wow.

He really doesn't care about me. But was it really a surprise? How could I think a man like him, would like a woman like me?

I almost started crying in the car, but refused to do so.

I payed the driver and hopped out of the taxi. He helped me get my bags and I walked inside.

Lando was standing in front of the reception already and looked at me confused when he saw the suitcase.

"Hello." I smiled at the man behind the counter. He greeted back and Lando spoke.

"We would like a room for two. With two beds, if possible. I am already in room 94, but it came to some changes."
"Okay, i'm going to cancel your current room. Your new room is number 81." he gently answers and I scoff.

Really?! An 81? Fo fuck's sake... die.

Lando noticed, I tensed up so he eyes me suspiciously.

We were silent the whole way through the hotel, to our room.

When we stepped in and I could finally relax a bit, he decided to bug me with questions.

"What happened?"
"He cheated. End of the story, let's never talk about it again. And I just met his parents." I laugh.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"What do you think? He told me, he will be here forever and yet he's not here right now." I chuckle at my stupidness.

"It's gonna be okay, Ell." he says while wrapping his arm around me. I am so happy to have a friend like that.

"Lando, I heard that so many times. And each time is bullshit." I point out.
"Do I talk bullshit?" he jokingly says.
"Mostly, yes." I tease and he gasps audibly.

We both laugh, but I stop quite quickly.

"You know what I was thinking on the plane? I was thinking about how my mum would never actually meet my future husband. And now, here I am heartbroken." I smile darkly and Lando just gives me one more hug.

I mean... what else is he supposed to do?

"I'm so tired. I could fall asleep standing." he whispers, before yawning.
"Then let's go to sleep. You can never get too much sleep." I shrug and he laughs slightly.

We were both in our own bed, but I couldn't find a nice position.

"Stop shuffling." Lando groaned.

"I can't find a good position to sleep in." I complain and he sighs.

"Come sleep with me."
"Of course. As if it would be the first time." he chuckles.

"Thanks, Lando." I say when I lay on his arm, while he hugged me.

"For everything."


if you saw any mistakes, no you didn't.

they're both a bit shorter chapters, but oh well.

love ya'll x

sending love🫶🏼

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