Ch 12. "New Enemy."

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Y/n's Pov:

The next morning I woke up to Stefan and Damon cuddling me. My whole body was sore but last night was defiantly worth it. "Good morning my loves." I said, waking both of them, "Good morning Y/n." Stefan said, "Did you sleep well?" Damon asked. I nodded. I was too tired to talk anymore. "We should go eat breakfast, well, not that it'll do us any good but you need to eat Y/n." Stefan said he stood up and put on his boxers and pants. Damon did the same and then scooped me up in his arms. "Wanna do something fun?" He asked to which I raised a brow. "Hold on tight, ok?" He said, I nodded and in an instant it felt as though I was flying. When we stopped we were downstairs. "Wow! Were we flying?" I asked to which Damon just laughed a little, "No my dear, I was running." Damon said as he placed me in a chair, I felt like I was being treated like a queen. I haven't heard from my grandmother in a couple days, I should call her after breakfast. "So what're we having for breakfast?" I asked, "Well, we're gonna have pizza for breakfast." Stefan said, "PIZZA?" I asked very loudly, "Yup, pizza." Stefan said as he preheated the oven. "Woo hoo! I love pizza!" I said, I probably sounded like a little kid and I felt like one too. 

-about an hour later-

Just as Stefan was about to take out the pizza, we heard a knock at the door. "I got it." Damon said. 

Damon's Pov:

I opened the door to find a woman standing there. "Is Y/n, L/n here?" She asked, "Why do you want to know?" I asked, "I'm an old friend of hers." The woman said, clearly lying. "Cut the crap, why are you here." I asked. Before she could answer, Y/n walked to the door and I swear Y/n went as pale as a ghost, "A-Amber! It's been a while! Why are you here?" She asked, worry clearly present in her face, "I'm visiting and decided to come see an old friend." She said but Y/n's face didn't say they were friends, "Sorry but she's busy, come back another day." I said and rudely closed the door in her face. "What was all that about?" Stefan asked, "A long time ago, I was bullied severely by a girl. Her name was Amber. She and her family moved away and I didn't think I'd see them again." Y/n said, her voice shaky and her face still pale as a ghost. Both Stefan and I embraced her in a warm hug. "You don't have to worry about her. She won't be allowed in this house or in your life again. And if she even DARES to come near you, one of us will swoop you up and carry you away!" I said, swooping Y/n up in my arms and causing her to giggle. "Now, who wants pizza?" I said, "I do!" Y/n exclaimed with that big bright smile of hers that lit up any room. I placed her in a chair once more and got her a slice of pizza and her (favorite drink). "This pizza is really good! Where'd you learn to cook like this?" Y/n asked Stefan, "Well, when you live 117 years you learn a thing or two." He replied, "Well you've learned a lot about cooking." Y/n said as she took another bite of pizza. 

Stefan's Pov:

So Y/n has an enemy in town? And I can sense this girl is nothing but trouble and she's not human. She's a witch. An evil one. And I will NOT let her hurt Y/n. I'm sure Damon sensed it too but because of Y/n being a human she can't sense it. Anyways, we all finished the pizza and were having some wine when we got another knock at the door. "I'll get it this time." I said. I opened the door to see a familiar elderly lady standing there. "Ah, Miss L/n! Come in-" I started to say until I saw a worried look on her face. I motioned for her to come in and quickly closed the door. "Grandma, what're you doing here?" Y/n asked worried, "My dear Y/n, Amber and her family have come back." She said, "Yes, I'm aware, did they try to hurt you?" Y/n asked, checking her grandma for injuries, "No they didn't hurt me. They tried to break in the house earlier but I made it look as though I wasn't home. They were saying something about blood and witches or something, I don't know. I just don't want what happened when you were little to happen again." She said as Damon, Y/n, and I sat her down and got her a glass of water. "What did they do to you guys in the past?" I asked Y/n's grandma, "They broke in our house and tried to take everything and Amber tried to hurt Y/n when they were younger and take her blood or her teeth or something I don't really know the whole scope of the situation. All I know is that Amber and her family are no good." Y/n's grandma said before she drank another sip of water. "Well we will protect both you and your ma'am. If you'd like, you can stay here for the time being until they leave." I said, draping a blanket over her grandmother's shoulders. "No thank you, I have a friend I'll be staying with for now. Just promise me that you'll keep Y/n safe." Her grandmother said, "Of course we will ma'am." I said and Damon nodded. Y/n's grandma gave her a hug and we helped her out to her car since she was still shaken up from what had happened. "So we have a new threat on our hands." I said, "It would seem so brother." Damon replied, "And what do we do to threats?" I asked, "We get rid of them." Damon replied, his voice laced with anger for Amber and her family. "We head out tomorrow to get them." I said, "Agreed." Damon replied and we walked back in to find Y/n asleep on the couch. I carried her up to the room and Damon decided he'd keep watch over her while I devised a plan and we'd all discuss it in the morning.

A/n: So I see you all love my story? Good! Because I plan to write more and more. You didn't think I was finished, did ya? Anyways, I've been going through some stuff and haven't been motivated to write but today I had motivation so I figured I'd give you guys some reading material. I love you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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