Doggy Fun

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Here's some more Valyn Chronicles, mainly because I wanted to write about Kinsey ehehe

Enjoy! ~Serena <3

Kalyn ran up the steps with Kinsey hot on her heels. She fumbled with the door and unlocked it. The two raced inside, a tangle of feet and fur. Kinsey tripped her up, and Kalyn fell to the ground with a yelp. Kinsey nearly jumped on top of her, slobbering up her face in kisses. Kalyn giggled and pushed her away. "Okay, okay, OKAY, Kinsey!"

Val shut the door behind him and headed to the kitchen with his load of grocery bags. He paused and looked down at his heap of a girlfriend. "Ya alright down there?"

Kalyn popped up her head and nodded. "Oh yeah! Kinsey just tripped me up."

Val chuckled and shook his head. "'Dude, you gotta discipline her a little. Otherwise, she'll just keep knocking you over.

"Yeaaaah, I know," Kalyn sighed. "I just feel bad disciplining her."

Val nodded and walked to the kitchen. "Oh yeah, but you gotta, Kay. You can't keep letting her knock you over. Otherwise, she's gonna do it at some point when you're holding something breakable, or you're gonna get hurt.

Kalyn grumbled and picked herself off the floor. "I knoooww."

He set the bags on the table and began unpacking them. Kalyn walked in and helped him. After drinking water from her bowl, Kinsey trotted over to them. She hovered by their feet, panting and dripping water on their feet. Kalyn squealed as the water got in between her toes. Val chuckled and called Kinsey over to him. "Alright, sit...Sit down, Kinsey," he firmly said. Once he got her to sit down, he pet over her head. "Good girl, now stay." The young dog listened to his firm tone, happily wagging her tail back and forth.

Kalyn giggled at the adorable expression. She gathered up all of the empty bags and threw them down in their drawer for plastic baggies. "She listens to you so well," she said.

Val shrugged and pet Kinsey again. "Well, I just use a firm tone with her and don't let her get away with anything. That's half of it right there. She knows she has to obey," he shrugged.

Kalyn leaned against the counter. She tipped her head to the side and nodded. "I guess, I just struggle being firm with her. She's too sweet to be mean to!"

Her boyfriend chuckled and nodded. "Yeup, she's a pretty sweet dog alright. It's okay. You'll get there someday," he reassured.

The two of them headed to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Kalyn picked up the remote and turned on the TV. "Yeah, I hope so. I just gotta be firm with my tone. See, this is why I wouldn't be a good mother."

Val snorted and shook his head. "Well, you're wrong about that hun. You'll make a great mom."

Kalyn raised an eyebrow. "You think so?"

Val shook his head slowly. "No, I know so, Kalyn. Trust me, if we ever have kids, they're gonna like you a lot more than they're gonna like me." He chuckled and smiled at her.

Kalyn couldn't help but smile back. The two of them settled in to watch TV, and it wasn't long before Kinsey joined their cuddle pile, completing the evening. 

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