Hell's Bells pt. 3

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You already know what's up. ;) I love this fandom too much.

I yawned and tugged the jacket closer around my furry body. Man, this jacket was warm. I hummed in satisfaction and shoved my hands into the deep pockets. It at least covered the tattered remains of what once was clothing. I pulled out the phone and checked my location. I was nearing the hotel at last. It had taken about an hour or two to walk there, and I was ready to get off my feet. I wasn't used to these limbs yet. With my backward knees, it made for awkward walking. My pace was more of a prowl than a brisk walk.

I followed my little map around the corner and there it sat. A grey building in my new eyesight. That was one thing I'd found out. I couldn't see red anymore. Everything was in blues and yellows and greys. I paused and took the building in. For a new hotel, it looked hella shabby. There wasn't even a sign on the building. It looked like there had been one, but it had been ripped off. I sighed and trudged toward it. Even a bed with bugs would be better than sleeping on the street and waking up with a rat in my face. I walked up the steps and opened the door...well, tried to. It was locked. I blinked and knocked on the door. A hotel that was locked? I mean, we were in hell after all, but really? They should have had enough security to keep it unlocked at least. My ears flicked toward the doors. There was shuffling within.

"Can't fuckin' believe I gotta get the door like a fuckin lap dog." The bolt slid aside, and the door swung open. A grey cat creature with red and black striped wings stood in the doorway with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. "The fuck you want?"

I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to answer.

"Husk! Be nicer!!" a voice snapped. The cat snorted and rolled his yellow eyes. He took a swig of his alcohol and focused back on me. "Like I said. The fuck you want?"

"I'm looking for a room tonight. Are there any available?" I asked, opting for civility first.

He snorted again and gestured inside. "Yeah yeah, there's plenty. Bar's this way. Rooms are upstairs. Do whatever the fuck ya want."

"Husk! Language!" the voice called again. Footsteps echoed, and a more human-looking demon appeared. Her long blonde hair swung behind her as she walked. "Oh! Hello! I'm Charlie! Are you here to stay?" She grinned and hurried toward me.

I blinked and nodded. "Uh, yes? This is Hazbin Hotel...correct?"

"Why, yes indeed it is!" A new voice cut through the air. "It's soon to be the finest hotel Hell has to offer if I have anything to say about it!" This voice had static clinging to it, as if there were interference in the air keeping me from hearing it fully. A hand landed on my shoulder and spun me back. A large demon towered a good foot overtop me. He had large ears like mine, but I couldn't quite tell what animal he represented.

I huffed softly and stepped away. I wasn't keen on being touched, especially after the incident with the imp in the alley. "I see, well-"

A knock at the door cut me off. I flicked my whiskers in irritation. That was twice now. If something else interrupted me, I might actually lose my shit.

"Oh, Alastor, could you get that please?" Charlie asked.

The demon behind me nodded and walked to the door. He swung it open with a grin. "Hello there! Are you-"

He was cut off by a rough voice. "We're not here for your stupid fuckin hotel. We're here for that cat that just walked in."

I raised an eyebrow. So someone had been trailing me. Lovely. I flicked my tail and walked to the door, my blue eyes narrowed. I drew the jacket closer and moved past Alastor. "Who's asking?" Three larger imps filled the doorway and glared down at me. Their gaze narrowed in on the jacket.

"So not only did you kill our buddy, but you nabbed his jacket too?" One sneered the words.

I kept my face even, but I raised my eyebrow again. "That bastard was your friend hm?" I crossed my arms across my chest. "Perhaps you should get better friends then."

"You little-!"

The one in the middle struck me. It hit me in the shoulder, and I snarled, my canines flashing in the sunlight. I caught his wrist and twisted it sharply to the side. A nasty pop and tear cut through the air. His scream followed soon after. I tossed his arm back and lowered myself down. With a mighty leap, I jumped over the trio and landed with a grace of a cat. The feeling from earlier stirred in my chest again. I slowly smirked and released it. It raced down both of my arms this time. My claws extended out as did my canines till they jutted into my lip.

"Really, ganging up on a fresh tenant to Hell. Now that's just shameful. Cowardly even. Your weak little friend at least had the balls to face me head-on." I sank down into a defensive position. These bastards had another thing coming if they thought I would go down without a fight.

The middle imp clutched his damaged wrist and glanced at his buddies flanking him. "Wh-What are you waiting for?! Get her already!"

The other two jumped to their senses and raced toward me. I smirked and met them halfway. It was like an old dance I'd done for years. I knew the movements by heart. I took a few quick steps and dropped to the ground. I rolled and slashed at the left one's ankles. He fell down with a scream. Springing up from the ground, I clawed at the other demon's exposed back. He snarled in pain and turned on me. I snapped my sharp teeth at him and circled like a predator cornering its prey. He followed my movements. The imp on the ground crawled away with his arms, whimpering and whining in pain. I scoffed. The demon across from me withdrew a slim device. Clicking a button, the device extended out into a sharp spear. He twirled it in his hands, a cocky smirk appearing on his face. I tilted my head and smiled. Things were about to get interesting.

We rushed at each other at the same moment. He slashed at me first, and I batted the spear away with my claws. I lurched forward and sank my teeth into his shoulder. I jerked my head back. These jaws were strong. I realized that as I threw him with ease over my shoulder. He screamed in pain. I released my jaws, and he flew through the air, but I gave chase. The moment he landed, I was already on top of him. I sliced my claws through his throat and yanked the spear out of his jerking hands. A few gurgles later, he went still, choking on his own blood.

I spun on the crawling demon and crossed the clearing in two bounds. I jumped and landed square on the fleeing imp's shoulders. He squeaked as the air from his lungs was forced out. Twirling the spear through the air, I smirked. I brought the pointed end down right between his shoulder blades. He didn't even make a noise as he died.

An assassin. That's what I was. Glimpses of my past came back to me, but I shoved them to the side. I stood up, blood dripping from my claws and teeth, but not a drop of it was mine. This felt so familiar.


Now I knew why at least.

The feeling stirred in my chest again, and I turned. The last imp was already upon me. He slashed down with his considerably shorter claws. I stepped out of the way with practiced ease. I let out a soft scoff.

"Please, as if you'll actually hit with those pathetic attempts." I grinned and jumped forward. He jumped to the side, and I soared past him. I landed in a roll and spun back around. He was already coming for me. I darted to the side. He jumped on me, pinning my front half down. I used the momentum to my advantage and kicked up. The force unbalanced him, and he toppled over me. I sprang up with the litheness of a cat and jumped onto him. I clawed down his chest before diving in for the kill. My jaws latched around his throat and ripped backward. He only managed a gurgle before his entire esophagus ripped out.

I spat the organ out and licked my teeth clean. I stood up, and a wave of exhaustion hit. I staggered and managed to keep upright. Husk, Charlie, and Alastor all stood on the front step, watching in varying amounts of boredom, horror, and excitement. My claws and canines retracted. God, I could use a nap...and some more food.

"Is the room still available for tonight?"

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