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Lilys, pov part2.

As I was sitting quietly at my desk, coming up with teaching plans for tomorrow, I watched as the kids were quietly reading the book of course I had to tell some of them to be quiet because they would rather talk than read but after they saw that I was being serious, they stop talking as the kid slowly got done finishing up there, book a route questions that I wanted to ask on the board. I smiled and asked everybody if they were done when they all said yes, I started asking my questions we were on the fourth question when my classroom phone started going off, I told everybody to be quiet while I take the call.

Hey Miss Ramirez, there's a woman saying that she's your mom at the front desk would you want me to tell her to come back after school hours! The lady at the front desk said.

Oh...we'll I'm about to take my class to lunch, so I guess tell her to wait at the front office until I get down there! I said confused.

She said OK and I hanged up I looked at the time and saw that I had an hour until it was time to take the kids to lunch The school gets out at 2 o'clock so the kids have lunch around 10 or 11 today it was 10:30 AM and tomorrow it will be 11 so I decided to pass out the math worksheets that I had planned for today before I knew it it was lunchtime. I collected the math sheets and told everybody to lineup. I ended up running into my desk when I was trying to sit down, it hurt because it scratched my right side after the kids were lined up, I walked them to the lunchroom I told everybody that I'll be back in 30 minutes when I was walking back to my classroom the heel on my high heel ended up breaking so I was limping all the way back good thing I have an extra pair of sneakers that I leave in my desk drawer after I change my shoes and I went to the front office. I was honestly surprised that my mom is here considering she was in my hometown and I haven't seen her for about 10 years.

I mean after I graduated high school when I was 18 I went to college I was so caught up in my studies that I didn't have time to go see her or my other family during Christmas or Thanksgiving and after I got my teaching degree when I was 22 I ended up focusing on myself again now six years later i'm 28 and still haven't talk to my family. When I walked into the front office I saw my mom quietly sitting in a chair. She came up to me and hugged me and told me that she absolutely missed me. She told me that I looked absolutely beautiful. She didn't looked at my shoes and said that they don't match my outfit. I told her that we should probably go to my classroom so we can have some privacy and she said OK so here I was sitting at my desk. Well, she sat in front of me, asking me how I've been these last couple of years.

I've been good mom what are you doing here and why didn't you call or text me that you were coming? I said looking at her.

Well I would have called and text you, but you don't answer your phone. Besides, I'd rather see you in person plus I have some exciting news! She said smiling at me.

Don't tell me, Peter is getting married again I swear this is his second marriage, so who is the girl this time? I said looking at her.

She gave me a small smile, told me that she doesn't know and that last time she heard from him, he was in New York, dating some model she honestly looked sad when she said that so I asked her how long was this and she told me that it was three years ago I wanted to talk to her more about it, but she insisted that it was OK. She then smiled and said that my sister was getting married, not my brother, which honestly shocked me because my sister was the type of girl who didn't wanna settle down and wanted to focus on her career first my sister Meagan was a lawyer I haven't talk to her after I graduated high school She was busy with her career and I was busy with mine my mom told me that the guys in the super sweet and his name is Ethan.

I told her anybody named Ethan is not super sweet she said that I know him because he used to be best friends with me when we were in middle school, she showed me a picture of him and my sister together and that's when I remember who Ethan was he had a big crush on me and was constantly asking me to be his girlfriend but I would say no because I only saw him as a brother after we got done talking about my sister's marriage to Ethan and my brother. My mom finally asked me if I was seeing anyone. I gave her a look to tell her that I didn't wanna talk about it, but she kept asking me so I told her no I explain to her that I didn't have time to date anyone because I was focusing on my career. I told her that I've been teaching for a while now and I don't want to stop until I'm actually teaching the gray that I want to be teaching which is kindergartners.

She smiled and hugged me and told me that she was super proud of me. She told me that the wedding is next week on Friday I wanted to know if I can take next week off I told her that I can see what I can do after I got done talking to her she left and I went to go pick my kids up from the cafeteria as we all got situated back in class, i gave them some science work to work on after they finish the science work I was going to take them outside for five minutes we don't really do recess time in fifth grade but whenever they've been good, I usually take them outside so here I was sitting on the brick wall talking to savannah, telling her how my mom popped up out of the blue and how I haven't seen her in about 10 years and I was telling her about how my sister is getting married to my childhood best friend.

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