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Lilys POV.

When my mom just randomly popped up at my job, I was surprised considering I haven't seen her in 10 years and then when she told me that my sister was getting married to Ethan, my old childhood best friend I was even more surprised my mom wanted me to see if I can take a week off to go to the wedding but I can't do that because then I have to find a sub and it's so hard to find subs in the school so while I was on my lunch break, I was talking to Savannah and the teachers break room telling her everything that happened. I ended up spilling teriyaki sauce on my shirt and I was trying to rub it out so then I told me that I shouldn't rub I should pack because that will help so as I was putting my stain on my shirt, she was telling me how she felt about the situation.

I think you should go I mean you haven't seen your mom or dad in 10 years and you and your siblings don't really get along. I think you should go and fix everything you only get one mom and you only get one Dad! She said looking at me.

I know it's just I have to talk to the principal to see if he can give me a week off and I have to find a sub. I just don't understand why my sister couldn't wait till spring break to get married I mean, we literally get a week off for spring break! I said, shaking my head.

Well, if you want to talk to the principal, you can talk to him now because he's over there pouring herself some coffee! She said, looking at the principal.

I looked up and sure enough he was pouring himself some coffee. He turned around and said good morning to all the other teachers when he saw me and savanna talking, he looked at us and asked us how we were doing me and Savannah said that we were doing fine. He gave me a small smile told me that he loved my hair today and I told him thank you even though I just put it in a messy bun because I tried to brush it this morning, but my comb ended up breaking Savannah told me that the principal has a crush on me but honestly I don't see it I mean he's a tough person and he's three years younger than me even if he did like me I don't have time for relationships because I'm trying to focus on my career. He was about to walk away until Savannah turned around and said that I have something to tell him I looked at Savannah and she told me to just tell him when Savannah left the principal sat down in front of me and asked me what was going on. He told me that he only had 15 minutes to talk.

I'm not going to take up all your time it's nothing! I said trying to get up.

Miss Ramirez you are one of the best teachers here If you have something to ask me, you can say it! He said looking at me.

Ok I haven't seen my mom in 10 years so she showed up randomly today telling me that my sister was getting married and wanted to know if I can take a week off to go to the wedding I told her that I didn't know because I know how hard it is to get a sub, so I was wondering if I can get the sublist to see if there's a sub for me to call! I said talking really fast.

OK come by my office later on after school and I'll give it to you! He said smiling at me.

I was honestly shocked that he said that so when he got up and tried to leave, I asked him if he was upset. He shook his head and told me no he explained to me that family means everything to him, and that he would do the same and with his husband I was even more shocked when he said he had a husband I guess he couldn't tell so. He told me that yes he was gay. He said that he just doesn't tell everybody because he doesn't want people attacking him over it he told me that after school and then I get all my kids on the bus is that there's supposed to be want to come by his office and he will give me the papers with the subs on it. I told him thank you and I watched as he walked away, after I picked up my kids from the lunch room, I continue to work with them until it was time for them to go.

I walked back to my classroom and cleaned up a little bit after the buses left I went to the principals office. He handed me the sub sheet and told me to get back to him when I find a sub for my class and I told him OK I set up my desk, calling the subs on the papers by the time that I was on my fifth person, savanna knocked on the door and told me that I should probably go home because it was getting late and said that she was going to go home herself because she was tired and she had to get ready for tomorrow for her date with a guy she met on Tinder I laughed at her and told her OK as she was walking into my car. She asked me how did it go and I told her.

She was honestly surprised that the principal was gay. I told her not to tell anybody, and she told me that her lips were sealed she didn't say it, but she wishes me luck on finding a sub. When I got home, I poured myself a glass of wine and sat at my couch, while calling soaps, I had no luck. The people I called said they were either busy subbing another school or told me they don't sub anymore I decided to write the people who said they don't sub classes anymore so the principal knows to take the people out the system. I ended up falling asleep, and the next morning I woke up. I went to the bathroom and poured myself some cereal as I was sitting down on the couch, eating it I looked at my phone and I saw that I had two missed phone calls, a message and a voicemail. One of the phone calls was from my mom and the other phone calls from a number that I called yesterday. My mom text me and told me not to forget that she leaves tomorrow morning and if I wanted to make a decision it needs to be now.

Before I could tell her that I still had to find a sub and I ended up checking my voicemail and a girl that I called yesterday told me that she was free all week. I ended up calling her back and telling her my plans.

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