Auntie? What's going on?

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Part 0


"Y/N L/N, from now on, you're gonna be my son"

You know? By all accounts, I should be panicking like hell right now. I mean running around screaming my lungs out kind of panic. How could I not? There's a literal goddess in front of me, declaring ever so proudly that I'm her FREAKING SON.

What's more? We're both in what seems to be an isolated sort of heaven. Well, not exactly heaven. It's complicated.

I'm already sure a certain question popped into your head the moment I uttered the word "goddess". Something along the lines of "WHAT?!" or "How did you even get there?" or some other variations of the two.

Well, for you to understand my current predicament, I must rewind the clock a couple of hours. A couple of hours before I died.


Part 1


U.S 12:45 am

It was an uneventful school day so far.

Currently, I'm having lunch at the cafeteria. Constantly, getting glances of pity from passersby as well as looks of mockery and disgust.

You see, like every day, I'm eating lunch all alone. It wouldn't be so bad even with the aforementioned glances and looks. Sure, they irritate me, but what really does it for me is when students start to feel the need to comment on my pitiful state.

"Oh, L/N is eating by himself again"

"What a loser"

"More like a creep"

"It's still kinda sad though"

"What? You got a crush on him or something?"

"Eww, hell no"

Ugh, I get it already. I'm the scum of the social ladder. You don't have to rub it in my face every waking damn moment of my life. Seriously.

It's safe to say that it's kinda normal to not have friends when you're in elementary. In junior high or middle school? Well, quite alarming, but you'd still got some time. When you're a 16-year-old high schooler like me though? You're done for.

I would've said that I had no friends, but that would've been a lie. I have one friend, except for the fact that...

"Helloooo? Earth to Y/N", A sudden voice erupted from my phone, "Are you still there buddy?" Oh, there he is.

"Oh? Yeah, o-of course" I weakly stammered a response "Got distracted is all"

"Other students saying how much of a loser you are again?" Seriously? You couldn't word it a little more nicely?

Who am I kidding? It's the truth. I am a lone loser. We both are. "Yep, the usual".

Each of us might be living in different societies with different ideals, but it's the general opinion that if you have no friends, you're either deserving of pity or ridicule and in most cases, both.

We're on a video call at the moment. The reason is I live in America, while he lives in the land of the rising sun, Japan.

Contrary to what you might think, no, we didn't meet online. I met him in person when my parents had to leave for Japan because of their work. I was 3 years old at the time.

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