re. food

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i don't understand

how a normal person eats food

i'm always tempted to ask

but i never want to be rude

the thought of choosing a meal,

only causes me stress

and i know it shouldn't be a big deal

worrying about fitting into a dress

i don't have it in me,

to eat the same thing over and over again

it makes me feel sick

and hate the things i once loved,

puts me under a strain.

do normal people get to spend 30 or more,

every week to get food that they know won't bore?

is that a normal thing for people to afford?

or am i just living in poverty, behind this keyboard?

do they make a home cooked meal,

each and every night?

where do they find the energy?

surely that can't be right?

- i'm at a loss of how i can be so out of touch

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