Chicago Crossover

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A/N This is an SVU episode and the second of a three part crossover that begins with Fire's, "Nobody Touches Anything," continues with SVU's above titled episode and concludes with PD's, "They'll Have to Go Through Me."

Without further ado, please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*At the SVU Headquarters In Manhattan, New York*

"Hey, you work with those two when you were in Chicago?" Nick inquired as he passed by Fin and nodded towards Jay who was currently standing in Olivia's Office with both her and Erin. "Is that the guy who hit on Rollins?"

"You heard about that?" The older Detective grinned, following him inside. "Nah. Some other pretty boy."

"Pretty boy in my Dad's unit that isn't Jay Halstead, huh? Must be Adam Ruzek." Ana smirked as she suddenly appeared behind them.

"I was wondering when you were gonna show up." Fin smiled, giving his niece in every way but blood a quick side hug.

The firefighter just rolled her eyes and made her way over to her mother.

"Hey, Mom, sorry I'm late. I just wanted to stop by the apartment and say hi to Noah first." She explained, embracing her quickly.

"Oh, no, Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize for." Olivia assured, pulling back and turning to address all the other cops in the small room. "I think everybody knows each other. Detectives Lindsay, uh, Jay Halstead, you remember Detective Tutuola?"

"Fin, how are ya?" Erin held out her hand for a shake.

"All right." He nodded, shaking the outstretched limb just Amanda came racing in a little out of breath.

"Hey, I got stuck in the- in the tunnel." She panted out and was ignored for the most part.

"You two caught this in Chicago?" Fin inquired.

"Uh, we did, actually." Ana corrected, gently. "Kelly and I pulled a victim, Andrew Llewellyn, out of a burning house. He had this box in hands and it got knocked to the floor in the course of the rescue which is where those images came from." She swallowed a bit and turned back to her Mom. "I recognized a few of the kids."

"Your father mentioned that, yeah." Olivia nodded, softly.

"All of which are traceable to this franchise." Jay added.

"So then Detective Lindsay also recognized one of the young victims." Amanda spoke up, sending an encouraging look Erin's way.

"Teddy Courtney is my half brother. He ran away ten years ago. And my mom won't tell me how she knows, but she knows he came to New York, so. . ."

"And that's who we've been trying to locate." Fin realized.

"NCMEC ran his face through the system, and they found more images." Olivia revealed, grimly, sitting down at her desk and handing Amanda a file. "And he's connected to a pedophilia ring."

"This pedophilia club is still active, and they've upgraded to live streaming." Nick sighed, unable to hide his disgusted expression.

"Now, and the feds think this club streams from New York?" The blonde inquired.

"They don't know, but as soon as we find Teddy, we're gonna ask him." Olivia assured.

"Assuming he's alive." Nick muttered, receiving several glares and looks of disbelief in return. "Look, I'm- I'm sorry, but a kid goes through something like that-"

"Nick." The Sergeant cut him off with a shake of her head.

"You haven't found him in the system?" Jay wondered.

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