Daydream Believer

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A/N This is the third and final part of a three part crossover that begins with Fire's, "We Called Her Jellybean," continues with PD's, "The Number of Rats," and ends with SVU's above titled episode.

Please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*At Matt's Apartment*

Ana spent a good few hours scouring the scene for anything that might be helpful. She didn't find much which was to be expected given that Gregory was the mastermind behind it all. Eventually, her body reached its limits and the firefighter was forced to go outside in search of fresher air. Chief practically ordered her to go home right after so she called Kelly to come pick her up.

Now, the brunette had a small fond smile on her face as her husband and best friend bantered back and forth in a brotherly manner. She was too preoccupied with thoughts of the case to make out what exactly they were bickering about, let alone the words in the book she held, but their laughter alone was enough for the soft expression to appear on her face. Ana spent God knows how long on the couch staring at the pages before her, unseeing, when she was finally broken out of her thoughts by a loud knocking at the door.

The two Lieutenants stopped talking instantly and shared a wary look. No one was expecting any company tonight. Matt slowly got up and walked over, cautiously. Kelly, not about to leave his brother hanging, was right behind him. The blond peeked through the peephole before stepping back and opening the door.

"Sergeant Voight." He greeted in surprise as the older man marched right in with a murderous expression.

Ana didn't think it was possible for her father to get any more angry then he was at seeing Gregory in the Interrogation Room. Apparently, she stood corrected.

"Daddy? What's wrong?" The brunette frowned, worriedly.

Hank's jaw visibly clenched before he spoke.

"Yates took Nadia and he's heading to New York." He revealed in a low growl.

The Captain swallowed and closed her book, setting it aside. Without saying a word, she simply grabbed her jacket off the back of the couch and followed her father right back out the door.

*At An Abandoned Shipyard: In Manhattan, New York: The Next Day*

"All right, what have we got?" Hank inquired as he, Ana, Fin, Nick, and Erin all met up with Olivia and Amanda.

"We just got here." The SVU Sergeant sighed, in the process of slipping on some black gloves.

"The sanitation truck spotted it. I mean, it's not exactly public parking." The blonde pointed out as the group approached a familiar looking silver Camry.

"It's mine." Erin confirmed.

Nick was the first to reach a door handle and tried pulling on it.

"Locked." He reported.

Hank simply walked up to the driver's side window and, making sure his daughter was at a safe distance, smashed it open with the butt of his gun. He reached in and unlocked the car, allowing everyone else the access they needed to search it, however, there was one Detective that didn't seize the opportunity right away. Erin moved a good few feet away and stared out at the river instead, unable to bring herself to watch in the event her friend's corpse lay waiting inside to be discovered.  Ana, in spite of their differences, silently walked up to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her father had told her all about how she had saved Nadia on a case and how the two quickly became close. Almost like sisters. The other woman looked at her for moment before nodding in thanks and covering it with one of her own.

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