Chapter 2

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| Coerced into Altruism in the Dungeon |

Chapter Two




The effect had been instantaneous.

Black blood splattered every which way, and Noin didn't even let out a cry nor a shout as half of her face was dyed in the same.

Her mind felt like it was in a daze, like there was far too much sensory data for her to process, and she was stuck in a state where she only understood half of it. She was surprised, not to mention confused, and the reason why could only lay in what was in front of her, which for her life, she struggled to accept as real.

It was the sight of a very large quad-pedal creature screaming, kicking, writhing, and rolling on the ground, each step coming from those arachnid-type legs causing violent tremors to shoot into the loose mess of dirt and rocks all around it. The dirt kicked up into a cloud, making her surroundings past the rampaging creature harder to see, but she was far too shocked to even think of looking anywhere else other than the abyssal monster roaring in unimaginable pain.

And the cause, her brain tried to reason, was likely the gaping hole that now took the place of its right eye. The edges of it were crusted over with darkened blood. Long narrow limbs made desperate swipes at the injury, perhaps to do something to try to staunch the pain, or maybe even miraculously achieve sight once again, but those appendages did little more than scrape against its large head as it continued to struggle. Noin would have thought she was watching a dog try to scratch its face with its forearm—if only this were so cute. The monster, after realizing the fruitlessness of the endeavor, began to violently ram its head against the ground instead, which began to kick up even more dirt and dust.

Her brain finally restarted, and she took that as her cue to try to run away. Scrambling to her feet, scooping up her sword and shield in the same movement, she faced the direction she thought her team was in and began to run. If only she decided to do that a little quicker. Before she even managed to take a single step in retreat, a permeating growl drew her attention over, and it was just as she feared. Clearly not in the best shape, but still just as deadly, that monster was glaring at her from across the scant few meders that separated them. Wisps of dust seemed to obscure long legs and its massive body, but the same could not be said for the violent gleam of that singular crimson eye.

And it moved before Noin could even feel her heart drop to her stomach.

She didn't know if it was self-preservation or skill that had her hefting up the shield in time to protect her face, but either way, she was glad she managed. Her relief was short lived. Holding her shield with only one hand did nothing to repel the weight that knocked into it, and the stalwart tool crashed into her face, sending blood flying from her nose. The next thing she knew, she was on her back, and she no longer felt the shield in her left hand. She forced power into her right instead, just in time to deflect a claw that stabbed downward from overhead. She just barely managed to catch the offending limb just before it pierced her brain, a shower of sparks being her reward as steel met the sleek onyx-colored claws. Next, the tail came from nowhere and batted at her arms, not only knocking her sword away, but nearly crushing the bones in her forearms. She cried out, or at least tried to, if the sight above her didn't turn it into a terrified whimper instead.

The monster's eye seemed to flash as its elongated maw loomed over her, opening wide, revealing rows upon rows of sharp teeth that looked all too happy to bite into her. A putrid smell assaulted her nose as well, but as much as she wanted to turn her face away, she couldn't. She was completely still, just laying there, feeling nothing but cold unrelenting waves of fear crash into her.

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