Chapter 5

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Ever since I went back to college, I've had a really bad habit of holding my chapters hostage, not wanting to let them see the light of day. And then they develop Stockholm syndrome, or I do, and then it gets really bad. Kay, the metaphor fell away a bit there. The point is, I'll try to stop doing that.

I'm writing a fanfic for Astraea's sake, not professional literature.

With that out of the way, and if it's not too selfish of me, please enjoy the narrative I crafted for those who care enough to read it.

Coerced into Altruism in the Dungeon

Chapter Five

Gojouno Kaguya prided herself a realist.

Because of this, she felt it a forgone conclusion that she often butted heads with her polar opposite, that idealistic elf who seemed to think justice meant saving everyone. That was far too brainless for her to ignore. Quite simply, it couldn't be more wrong. It wasn't possible to save everyone. If it was, this world would be a lot kinder. There would always be someone drawing the short end of the stick, and whether it was through a lack of luck or skill, a sacrifice was guaranteed.

Ryuu, foolish girl that she was, could galivant through the masses, saving as many as she could, believing she could make a difference. But while she was doing that, she was just ignoring her own hypocrisy, that by choosing a winner, she was also automatically choosing a loser. This would happen regardless of popular opinion, without everyone being consulted, and all those involved blissfully unaware until it was too late...

Yes. Kind of like right now.

The dissonant ringing of metal clashing against metal made Kaguya realize something had gone horribly wrong.

There was an odd sensation just barely tingling along the length of her arm, but she ignored that in favor of the far more pressing issue. She had been standing upright not too long ago, hadn't she? Now, she was nearly face down in the dirt. Why had she willingly allowed her body to be placed in such a state? And why in Astraea's name was it so jarringly difficult to lift up her own head? Her neck felt far too stiff, like thousands of weights were boring down on it without relent.

Kaguya tried looking up from her prone position.

It directed her to the flurry of commotion happening not even meders away.

Multiple figures moved about, constantly shuffling to-and-fro like a game of keep-away, only it wasn't so lighthearted. They numbered around five, yet only one of them truly grabbed her attention – a girl whose crimson hair never stopped dancing as she pivoted, ducked, and seized forwards amidst the scores of blades swung wildly at her person.


But no matter how they bunched up, Astraea's captain did not give an inch of ground while combatting them. Graceful to their sloppy, quicker and faster to their paltry, Kaguya just found herself watching Alise as she fought, expertly weaving around each of her attackers. Speaking of...

The four of them were all males, and Kaguya felt something grab at her chest at the sight of them. It wasn't immediately clear what or why this was. Either way, he sudden surge of negativity that raced through her was startling, but not nearly as much as the dissonance that came with the fact that there was no immediate recognition to be had, none that she could see at the ready anyway. But that jarring contrast would have to wait.

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