Chapter 1: Dizzy

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and her family belong to Voltage inc. And Be my princess 2 game.


We were in front of Ivan's office. Mikhail opened the door and moved aside for me to walk inside the office. I could see Ivan looking down at some papers with a pen in his hand. He had been busy for a while with his duties.

"Ivan?" I said his name. Ivan looked up at me with a smile. "Beverly," he said my name. I walked over to him. "What are you looking at?" I asked him. "I was reading this proclamation before signing it," he said to me.

"Oh. So why did you want to see me?" I asked him. "You need to sign this too," he said to me. I looked at him with surprise. "Me? but I'm not a princess yet. I mean...we haven't even announce our engagement," I said to him. "Well at least you are engaged to me. So you have some authority," he said to me.

He gestured me to come over. I walked over to him. He had a chair next to him so I sat on it. He moved the proclamation so that we were both reading it. It was basically about emergency during a natural disaster.

After reading it, I thought it was planned out very well. Ivan looked up to me. "Did you understand it?" he asked me. "Yes," I said to him. "We should sign it," he said to me. I nodded my head in agreement.

Ivan turned the page and signed his name. He passed the pen to me. I looked at the line where I had to sign. I looked up at Ivan. "How should I sign my name?" I asked him. "Just sign your normal name for now," he said to me.

I looked at the proclamation and signed my name. After signing my name, I closed the proclamation. "Mikhail," I heard Ivan call out. Mikhail walked into the office. We stood from our seats. "Yes Your Royal Highness," he said to him.

Ivan held the Proclamation in his own hands. "Take this to parliament. It is done," Ivan said to him. "Yes sir," Mikhail said to him. Mikhail took the proclamation and bowed to us before he walked out of the room.

I was starting to feel dizzy again. I tried not to show it. Ivan looked at me. "What do you plan this afternoon?" Ivan asked me. I felt the dizziness subside and looked at him. "Um...I was planning to continue my princess training. Why?" I asked him.

"I have to meet with the Prime Minister for dinner and talk about plans for national security. I'll be gone from the fortress for a few days so you will have the place for yourself. Will you be okay?" he asked me. This would be the first time that he would be leaving my side since we got engaged.

I gave him a smile. "Don't worry. I'll be fine," I said to him. He gave me a nod. "Will you help me with my outfit?," he asked to me. I gave him a nod. "Sure," I said to him. He took my hand and we walked to his room.

We walked inside to see Urey and Snieg running towards us. {I guess Snieg wanted to be with Urey.} We pet them to calm them down. I looked at Ivan. "Did you have an idea about what to wear?" I asked him.

"No," he simply said to me. I walked over to his walk-in closet to see many kind of suits. I looked through them to find a navy blue suit. I picked it out and looked for some black shoes. I walked to the tie rack to get a tie.

I walked out with everything. Ivan gave me a smile. "You should be my designer. You have good taste," he said to me. "I guess usually Mikhail pick out your clothes," I said to him as I placed the clothes in his bathroom

"Yes," he said to me. I walked out of the bathroom to let him change. I walked to the couch and sat down. Urey came over and laid his head on my lap. I pet him on the head. I felt my vision getting a bit blurry.

{What's wrong with me today?} I felt dizzy twice today and now my vision was a bit blurry. I blinked my eyes a few times to see if my vision would go back to normal. {Maybe I had been studying a bit too hard.}

I saw my vision going back to normal. "Are you alright?" I heard Ivan asking me. I looked up to see Ivan out of the bathroom. "Yes I'm fine," I said to him. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" he asked me.

I got up and walked over to him. "Yes I'm sure," I said him. I got the tie and did his tie for him. "I can stay if you want me to," he said to me. I shook my head. "It's important for you to go and talk to the minister," I said to him.

I finished his tie. "There you go. You look handsome," I said to him. He gave me a smile. "Thank you," he said to me. "Your welcome," I said to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We looked into each other's eyes and lean our towards each other.


{A way to ruin the moment.} We pulled apart and looked at the door to see it open. Mikhail walked into the room. "Your Royal Highness. It's time for you to go to meet the minister," Mikhail said to Ivan. I looked at Ivan to see him bit annoyed.

{Mikhail really did ruin the moment.} Ivan gave out a sign and looked down at me. "I'll be back soon," he said to me. I gave him a nod. "Take care of yourself," I said to him. He gave me a peck on the lips and walked out of the room with Mikhail who was blushing a bit.

I looked down at the wolves. "I guess it's just you two and me," I said to them. I walked out of my room and they followed behind me. I passed by some of the staff of the fortress. They each bowed down to me and continued their way.

I walked through the hallway to see portraits. They were portraits of the royal families from the past. I looked at each other their faces. All the woman who were married into the royal family looked like powerful ladies.

The last portrait hanging was Ivan in his royal regalia. I could see the coldness in his eyes in the portrait. {Soon, I'll be up there with him.} I had so many thoughts about becoming a princess. It felt so much pressure.

"I hope I can live up to it," I said to myself. ".......BARK!" I heard whining and then a bark.. I looked down at Snieg and Urey. They seem to get what I was say like "Of course you will live up to it," they seem to say.

I kneeled down and pet their head. "You guys are right. I'll be able to live up to it...with Ivan on my side," I said to them with a smile. I could see their tail's wagging fast. I knew that they were really happy.

"Come on. Let's go to my room so that I can study," I said to them. I got up and we walked into my room. I walked to my desk and sat down while the two wolves laid down beside me. I opened my book and started to read.

I saw my vision going fuzzy and a bit blurry again. {Maybe I really had been studying too hard.} I closed my book and rubbed my eyes. "On second thought. I think I'm going to take a break," I said to the wolves.

I looked at the time. "It's dinner time," I said to myself. I got up from my seat and walked out of the room to the dining room. {I hope Ivan is doing well at the minister's dinner.} I sat in my seat and ate my dinner.

After dinner, I went to bed early.

Urey and Snieg slept next to my bed.

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