더 나은 느낌 -33

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Feeling Better

After some crying and some medical treatment, Jungkook feels much better. His chests still hurts a bit but he told his family that he is feeling much better.

"Kookie feel better. Kookie leave hospi?" asks Kookie, who does grabby hands toward Jimin so he can hold him.

"Kookie can't leave." says Jimin, as he leans foward on the bed to carry his baby.

Jungkook whines.

"It's ok, Kookie! Because we are going to be staying with chyu!" exclaims Seokjin, smiling at his baby brother.

"Jinie Hyung? Can Jinie sleep with Kookie?" asks Jungkook.

Seokjin looks up at Jimin waiting for an approval. Jimin nods and he looks back at the youngest with a big smile on his cute, pouty lips.

"Yes, Kookie! Jinie Hyung will sleep with you! I will always be there when you need me!" says Seokjin, smiling widely.

There was a knock on the door and the 3 heads turn towards it. They know that is is appa and Taehyung. Then the door opens and here comes . . .

Doctor. . .?

"Hello, we found out what Jungkook has. He has really strong allergies." says the women.

The 3 frown that it wasn't appa and Taehyung but Jimin smiles at the women.

"To what? What made him have a chest pain?" asks Jimin, as he stands up from the bed and walks to the doctor. Still with Jungkook in his arms. Jungkook immediately hides his face in his chest once his daddy is in front of her.

"He inhaled something. We don't know what it is. But he just inhaled something." says the doctor, smiling at the baby in Jimin's arms.

"Ohhh. . . Was it drugs?" asks Jimin in a low voice that only she can hear.

"Daddy? What chyu say? That bad for Kookie?" asks Jungkook, looking at his daddy with big eyes.

"What no, baby! It isn't anything bad to Kookie. . ." says Jimin in a low voice, looking down at his baby with a breathe taking smile (like always).

Her eyes open wide at what Jimin said. Also the tone of his voice sounded worried and a bit scared.

"Noooo no it is nothing like that at all. No drugs at all. In fact it is nothing bad. But it also isn't good. But it doesn't really harm him. I mean yah he has chest pain but it doesn't hurt hurt him. Like inside him. He will be alright. He will leave today later on. Aaaand if he cries again because of his chest then just give him these." says the doctor, as she digs her hand into her coat pocket (please tell me what the doctor's coat are called) and pulls out a small container filled with pills.

"When do I have to give it to him?" asks Jimin, as he holds Jungkook with one arm and reaches out for the small container with his other free one. He examines it with a raised eyebrow.

"Give it to him the second he wakes up and the second he is about to go to sleep." says the doctor, smiling.

"Ahhh~ Thank you~" says Jimin, eye smiling at her and bowing down.

"Your welcome~" she says.

Then Yoongi and Taehyung come in. Yoongi is holding on Taehyung who is fast asleep who is hiding his face in the crook of his appa's neck.

"Oh, hi. I didn't expect the doctor to be here." says Yoongi, quietly to not wake up Taehyung. He bows down to her. She just smiles at him.

"We found out what led to Kookie having chest pain." says Jimin, eye smiling at his handsome and cute boyfriend.

"Really? What was it?" asks Yoongi.

Jimin notices as Yoongi's eyes widen all of a sudden. And Yoongi looks at Taehyung.

"Wait, let me put Tae down really quick because he just drooled on my neck." says Yoongi, as he rushes to the little couch in the room and lays him down. He wipes his neck with the back of his hand and rushes back to them.

Jimin chuckles at that while shaking his head, slightly. "He drooled on you? I should have taken a picture of that." Jimin pouts.

"It isn't that funny. . But what led to Kookie having chest pain?" asks Yoongi, looking at Jimin then at the doctor.

"He inhaled something that led him to pain chest. Also the pills I gave Jimin will help him. The second he wakes up and when he is going to sleep you need to give him this. So basically 2 times a day." response the doctor, smiling softly.

"Ohhh. ." says Yoongi, nodding his head in agreement.

"Ya. Also he will be able to leave later on!" says Jimin, smiling wider making his cheeks hurt.

"Ohh thank God because I really need to go work. . ." says Yoongi, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It is alright~" says Jimin, sending him a little kiss. (You know how Seokjin Hyung does it? Which is very handsome of him)

"Thank you. I must get going now." says the doctor, as she smile and leaves the room.

"No, thank you!" both boys say, as they bow down.

"Your welcome!" she closes the door.

"Appa!" says Seokjin, as he runs to Yoongi and hugs him.

"Hey, Jinie! Were you being the big man and taking care of daddy and Kookie?" asks Yoongi, ruffling the small boy's hair.

"Yes! I was taking care of daddy and Kookie! No one ever hurt them or touch them!" says Seokjin, proudly smiling.

Jimin frowns at that. He is a full grown man. He can care for himself. "When did you two plan this? Also I am not a woman so the older son doesn't have to care for me because I am grown man." says Jimin, putting both his hands on his hips, sassily.

Seokjon pouts and whines. "So I didn't take care of daddy and Kookie well?" he asks, looking at his appa with big eyes that was about to release tears.

"No, baby. You took care of then really well. Guess why they are not hurt at all. Because you took care of them well. Don't listen to daddy, he doesn't know what he is talking about. He thinks he is a full grown man when you are the real man," says Yoongi, gummy smiling at him.

"So I did take care of daddy and Kookie good?" asks Seokjin, smiling widely.

"Ya you really did, little champ." says Yoongi, gummy smiling at how cute his oldest son is.

Then later on Jungkook was released from the hospital. 👍

● ● ●

I have 498 reader!!!

Almost 500!!

But maybe when I write the next chapter I will already have a bit more than 500.

So I am saying it here and right now at 12:14 a.m.


Anyways I hope you guys have a good day, afternoon or night!!

I love you!! 😘❤

Los amo!! 😘❤

사란해요!! 😘❤

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