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Sophia and David woke up on the last day of their trip feeling refreshed and renewed. As they packed up their belongings, they both felt a sense of sadness knowing that their time together would come to an end.

As they walked out of the cabin and towards their car, a sense of familiarity filled the air.

"It's you again," David said, looking at Sophia with a smile.

Sophia knew exactly what he meant. It was a feeling of comfort and security that came from knowing that they would always find a way back to each other no matter what life threw their way.

As they drove away from the cabin and back to their everyday lives, they both knew that their love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day. They were grateful for the time they had spent together, and they knew that their love would last a lifetime.

It was a feeling of peace that came from knowing that they had each found something special in one another, a feeling that they were meant to be together forever. And as they drove off into the distance, they felt hopeful for what the future held - knowing that they would face it together.

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