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POV: Yours

My eyes opened.

No one was around.

Was it bad that I hated being alone?

I could never enjoy the silence.

When my eyes opened and I realized I was alone in a small casket, I began hyperventilating, I hated being alone, I hated this feeling, no one was there for me, what was going on? What did I do wrong? All I ever did was my fucking best, I did this to make my dad proud, I did this so Gwen could survive, and now I am all alone, in the fucking dark, how could this be happening?

But this time, Gwen came running in the room.

"Y/n..." she softly said, I tried getting up but she stopped me, "You're really weak." "Please I died and came back to life, I'm not weak." I muttered as I sat up, she sat next to me.

It was dark, the sun was going down though, so as Gwen looked away trying to avoid eye contact, her eyes glowed to a beautiful teal shade from the orangey sun.

"Why didn't you come see me?..." she finally asked, "when you woke up."

"I did, but then I saw you with Emily." I said as I looked away from her.

"It was not like that-" "I saw you two Gwen!" "It was never like that! And it'd never be like that! To me, it was always you! Dead or alive, ID always pick you." "Stop lying to me Gwen."

"I'm not lying! I never stopped loving you! Being in New York City killed me Y/n, remembering every single moment we had in every building and street, I never got to drum again, it reminded me of you, I was stuck with the guilt, and it didn't help more when I realized you died for me!"

"I did this for you! Gwen out of both of us I knew you had to be the one to survive-" she stopped me by pressing her lips with mines.

Suddenly all the anger, all the sadness, every bad feeling I had in my heart melted away.

When she pulled away we stared at eachother in shock, "I am so sorry-" I stopped her by kissing her back, she pulled me closer and suddenly everything was okay with us, her warmth brought me comfort, something no one really ever gave me.

We finally pulled away and smiled at eachother.

"I'm still killing that bitch Emily." I said, she chuckled, "god I missed you." She replied as she put her head on my shoulder and held my hand.

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