Scene One

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Quick Notes:

This story came to me randomly one day, it was time to write it.I'd like to thank my husband for helping me check this work for errors.

As we all know, Harry Potter and its franchise do not belong to me, and I make no claim to own it. I have borrowed/used the characters, and the world J.K. Rowling created, for entertainment reasons only.

Lastly, this story contains the following: Bad language, a controlling relationship, the resignation of death (although there is no actual death in this story), and some violence. There are no sex scenes, no nudity, but there will be kissing and passion.

Some of my chapters will be VERY short - others are longer.
It won't be very long story. In fact, it was meant to be a one-shot but I got a little carried away LOL.
Please leave comments - I do so love reactions XD


Scene One

Harry Potter, descended the stairs leading from the flat above (the flat he shared with his boyfriend, Draco Malfoy), and walked into the shop located directly below their apartment:

'Draconian's Apothecary & Potions.'

Immediately on appearance, however, Draco's eyes zoned onto Harry with a frown. Draco's eye twitched with barely contained frustration.

"I could have sworn I left out the green sweat-shirt to accompany those robes?" Draco drawled, making his displeasure known.

"You did. Yeah, but erm - - well, it's itchy. I didn't think you'd mind if-"

Draco snapped - "That's your problem, Harry! You don't think!"

Then, just as quickly as it came, Draco's anger vanished. It was replaced with a patient kind of smile that Harry knew he didn't deserve. Draco sighed fondly at Harry's oversight, and Harry was thankful for his boyfriend's patience.

"Such a clueless Gryffindor. It's why I insist on selecting your clothes, Harry. You'd look horrendously plebian if I left you to it." Long, elegant fingers moved strands of Harry's hair, they moved down to tug at the robes Draco had magically de-wrinkled for him, and finally plucked at Harry's waistband before Draco continued to speak. "You'd only succeed in embarrassing yourself - and me." Then Draco leaned in close to Harry's ear and whispered - "You wouldn't want to show me up in front of the customers now would you, babe?"

Harry shook his head - no, certainly not. Draco was always looking out for him; correcting his stupid mistakes and foolishness, helping him fit in better with wizarding society. No, Harry really didn't deserve Draco, and he was always afraid that Draco would break up with him if he continued to be this moronic.

Harry believed that he owed Draco so much.

"Hurry upstairs then and change," Draco said, moving away from him. "I'll be working in the backroom again today, so I'll need you to man the front - you can do that right?"

"Sure," Harry nodded, eager to prove he could be useful, "Of course!"

Harry then rushed upstairs to change.

The sweatshirt was itchy, but it was a small price to pay to ensure his boyfriend's happiness and to make sure he didn't embarrass him.

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