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Omani palace, Muscat.

Sakeenah groaned and tried shielding her face away from the sun rays that welcomed her vision the moment she opened her eyes. Much to her dismay, she noticed both her hands are cuffed and raised above her head.

She cursed beneath her breath as she took in her surrounding, the room was dark if not for the only source of light coming through the cracked walls. A clay water both was hanged just near her hand, it seems they want her to tilth the content to her mouth whenever she gets thirsty.

Sakeenah looked down to her dress, noticing she's still in her earlier nurse's outfit, her mask was off but her hijab was still on albeit all creased . She hissed recalling the event that led her to this awful underground dungeon.

Sakeenah sashayed her way into As-Salaam Hospital featuring a nurse's regalia. Her white scrubs fitted her petite frame perfectly. She stood by the nurse's station and adjusted her bifocals, her hair was tied in a bun and wrapped up in a Somalian hijab style. A white nose mask covering half of her face. She smiled at the elderly nurse and two other male nurses having a conversation.

" Assalamu alaikum, my name is Zahra Sadeeq, I'm new here" she introduced leaving no room for suspicion.

The man who hired her really worked up himself to get her there. He went ahead stalking the hospital's latest employees and that was when he found about Zahra Sadeeq. A very intelligent twenty five year old nurse, Zahra had a PhD in nursing and was appointed as a nurse as soon as she applied to As- Salaam hospital.

Sakeenah's contractor met Zahra and bought off the position from her. He paid her a huge amount and gave her a building to start her very own nursing home in California. And that was how Zahra sold her identity to him and promised never to come back to Muscat ever again.

They looked up at her and answered her greetings.

" Hello dear. I'm Amrah, the head nurse and these two are Abdulazeez and Hisham" the elderly nurse in her early fifties introduced whilst smiling ecstatically.

The two guys smiled at her and resumed to work with their assigned doctors for the day. She stood taking in the warmly designed interiors of the hospital. The walls were a bit milky and the chairs a deep shade of brown, the hallways smell of wet lavender flowers and the air conditioner blew scented air all over the building. She inhaled deeply and smiled, it was Jasmine for sure.

Amrah looked up from her screen after checking Zahra's details.
" It seems, you're so lucky. You're assigned to Mr. Siddiq himself on your first day. Good luck and welcome"

" Thank you" she feigned excitement and was given directions to Mr Siddiq's office, she nodded attentively as if she wasn't aware of his office.

After series of turns, she stood Infront of Dr Siddiq's office. His name written in silver on a golden plate placed on the large mahogany door. She took a deep breath and turned the knob with a Salaam.

The office was breathtaking, the white walls were polished and the oak furnitures were placed remarkably in their positions. There were framed quotes on his walls just above his chair and a family picture. The picture captured three men, he was standing by the right, a younger version of him with a lighter skin in the middle and an elderly man which she recognized as the king of Omani, they all had large smiles etched on their faces albeit the youngest man seems to be smirking.

Doctor Siddiq dressed in a blue scrub and white wardcoat was fully focused on the patient's chart, he didn't raise his head to look at his, no doubt assigned nurse that Sister Amrah just informed him. It was untill she stood infront of his desk that he actually acknowledged her presence . Raising his head up, he gave her a warm smile, one he always has for his employees.

" Wa'alaikum Salaam, Welcome to As_Salaam hospital, Sister Zahra. I'm Dr Siddiq and I hope we make a good team today" he finished with a polite nod.

" Yes. Thank you, sir" She smiled whilst placing her hand to her right ear in an attempt to fix her glasses and secretively turned on the device fixed on her ears . She cleared her throat to signal the person on the other end that she has gotten in.

Dr Siddiq returned checking his patient's chart as she paced slowly to the window. The person on the other end gave her affirmation that her course was clear and to get the job done in five minutes. The office door clicked from the outside, making Dr Siddiq's attention divert to the door locked from outside.

" Weird, Sister Zahra please call Sister Amrah. I think the door was accidentally jammed by someone" he shook his head dismissively.

Zahra wondered how innocent minded he was. How he was having positive thoughts on being locked with a stranger, how he was defending his employees. He was a nice man but she doesn't regret what she was about to do. She approached his table and pretended to pick up the intercom but ended up pushing it away to the floor.

Dr Siddiq turned to get with a concerned look thinking she had accidentally hurt herself.

" Hope you didn't hurt your..." His words were cut short as she spun around the table in a quick motion and held her pocket knife against his neck.

" Another word and you will be the one in the OR, Doc" She threatened in a calm voice.

Dr Siddiq was dumbfounded, his eyes bulged out of their occipital in surprise. He has always being the soft prince in the Kingdom, he never wanted to learn swordsmanship and always had his head stuffed in between his Anatomy textbook. Alot of questions ran on his mind, why would someone want to attack him on his first day stepping into his hometown after all these years? He wasn't going to accept the crown either, he thought hard to any enemy he had but zilch.

" Prince Siddiq, this just a friendly warning. Do not pass the throne to your son" She warned in a cold tone.

Dr Siddiq tried turning his head to look at her which resulted in her cutting open his cheek with a swift move of her blade. She took a duct tape out of her pocket and slammed it on his mouth stifling his groan. She doesn't have time and he was trying to act brave on her which irked her.

" Listen up, Scalpel. You can continue serving humanity all you want, you don't deserve to rule and so does your incompetent son, this should be the last time we meet. I hate hospitals" she finished her last statement with a gnash and her eyes crimson from whatever memory she recalled, her blade trailing his right thigh and cutting through his scrubs' pants into his skin.

She stared at the blood spearing the blue material, she made a move to standup from her crouching position when all of a sudden one of the male nurses from earlier ran to her direction, she jerked away, making him fall to her feet. She was about to kick him in the gut, he suddenly produced an injection and rapidly injected its content to her exposed ankle.

She instantly felt dizzy, her vision was turning blurry and her limbs sluggish as she tried talking to her agent. The last thing she heard was 'you're on your own' as the person disconnected and she fell into unconsciousness.

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