Jade Olivine

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The sun cast a warm, golden glow over the sprawling city of Vale, its rays painting the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets in hues of amber. Amidst the urban symphony of honking horns and distant chatter, a grand residence stood as a sentinel of opulence. Not quite a mansion but certainly an emblem of affluence, the house exuded an air of elegance and prosperity that was impossible to ignore. Its architecture was a blend of classic and contemporary, with arched doorways and modern accents that spoke of the present while honoring the past. The gardens surrounding the house were a testament to meticulous care, blooming with vibrant colors that contrasted the gray of the cityscape. Here, in the heart of Vale's affluent district, resided the Olivine family, their home a reflection of the wealth and power they commanded, a façade of success that masked the dreams and struggles that brewed within.

Born into the opulence of a distinguished family in Vale, Jade's early years were cocooned in luxury. His mother, a formidable businesswoman who had single-handedly built a thriving enterprise from the ground up, had grand expectations for her son. She envisioned him inheriting her legacy, carrying forward the reins of their family's empire. However, even in his formative years, it was evident that Jade's heart resided in a different world. His fascination with music was ignited early, a spark that illuminated his soul whenever he strummed a chord or hummed a tune. In tandem with this passion, the dream of becoming a Huntsman had taken root in his young heart, nurtured by tales of heroism and the desire to make a difference. Despite his mother's hopes, the allure of the family business began to wane as Jade matured, replaced by the undeniable pull of his dreams.

In the secrecy of the night, Jade would sneak out to chase his aspirations, seeking guidance from a man named Cedar, a seasoned performer in the area. Under Cedar's wing, Jade's voice transformed from a timid whisper to a resonant force, harmonizing with the melodies of his dreams. Cedar's patient mentorship fueled Jade's enthusiasm, teaching him to sing with raw emotion and fervor, to infuse every note with the cadence of his heart. Yet, the shadows of secrecy couldn't keep his mother from discovering the truth. Confronted with her son's clandestine lessons, she felt a mixture of anger and desperation.

Jade's revelation of his yearning to be a Huntsman and a musician was met with vehement opposition. To his mother, his dreams seemed like betrayal, a rejection of the sacrifices she had made to build their family's empire. The collision of their aspirations created an irreparable chasm. She demanded he relinquish his impractical fantasies, to take his rightful place in the company and honor the legacy she had forged. But Jade's spirit remained unyielding, his dreams more precious than acquiescence. 

The standoff culminated in a devastating ultimatum. As the echoes of their argument reverberated through the mansion's hallways, his mother's decree was unshakable – he was to abandon his dreams or face expulsion from their privileged life. In the aftermath of their clash, Jade left behind the life he had known, a lush existence of privilege and prestige, choosing instead to enroll to Signal Academy. 

With his heart set on a new horizon, Jade embarked on a journey to remake himself. Enrolling at Signal Academy marked the first step toward fulfilling his dreams of becoming a Huntsman. The combat school was a crucible of training, where students honed their skills and proved their mettle. Jade embraced the rigorous regimen, finding solace in the clang of steel against steel and the sweat that bore testament to his determination. 

During his time at Signal Academy, Jade's journey of self-discovery took an unexpected turn that led to the unlocking of his semblance, Voice Amplification, and the creation of his distinctive weapon, Loud and Clear. Fueled by his dual passions for music and combat, Jade dedicated himself to refining his singing voice in the solitude of his dormitory.

One day, while practicing projecting his voice with more force, Jade's aura flared up unexpectedly. As his vocal cords resonated with increasing intensity, his aura surged, amplifying the sound beyond his wildest expectations. The resonance struck the dormitory wall with a sonic boom, leaving a conspicuous hole in its wake. Stunned by the sudden display of power, Jade realized that he had discovered his semblance – the ability to manipulate his vocal prowess to incredible levels.

Intrigued and inspired, Jade began to experiment with his newfound semblance, perfecting its control over time. Recognizing the potential harmony between his amplified voice and his combat skills, he set his sights on a weapon that could encapsulate this synthesis. Collaborating with skilled craftsmen, he designed Loud and Clear, a pair of elegantly adorned pistols that held the secret of transformation within their sleek form.

Four Years later after graduating from Signal Academy he enrolled at Beacon Academy to further train his skills and semblance. Jade set forth to embrace the challenges and opportunities that awaited him at Beacon. The distinctive hum of his dual pistols echoed his determination, while his ability to amplify his voice reverberated with his unwavering resolve. With each step he took towards Beacon's hallowed halls, Jade shed the remnants of his past image, opting for an attire that resonated with his dynamic personality, resembling a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. Vibrant and adorned with intricate jade motifs, his new attire mirrored his resolve and colorful personality. As he embarked on this new chapter, he carried the echoes of his past, the symphony of his present, and the crescendo of his future endeavors. 

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