The One WhO Almost Killed Me

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Every moment I'm alone, I feel a sense of fear. I am careful of my movements, I don't use my voice, and I hope for someone to keep me company. 

Every moment I'm alone, I want to cry. My chest clenches, my body is heavy, and my eyes feel full. 

Every moment I'm alone, my thoughts take over. They swirl and clash, they pile on top of one another, they grow until I'm being drowned in a sea of them.

Every moment I'm alone, my mind grows darker. The light is slowly dying like a wilting flower, the darkness spreads and spreads until there is no light left.

Every moment I'm alone, my anxiety picks at me. It chips away at me until I'm a pile of nerves and I'm left feeling empty or feeling as if I'm going to break down.

Every moment I'm alone, I'm afraid. Because when I'm alone, I'm with the person who tried to kill me.

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