With You I cry a little less, laugh a little harder and smile a lot more.

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This story was requested by Alex_2391212
Thank you again Alex for the idea , I think its amazing.

BTW I had to rewrite this story because I didn't like the first one's storyline

This story includes
Depressing backstory

But don't worry it has a good ending, not all of this story is tragic


It was morning
Willow was in her bedroom laying down on her bed. She was thinking about trying suicide


To people who don't know suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die.


She hadn't eaten anything for about 5 days straight. Her stomach was growling but Willow simply ignored it.

At the cafeteria

Willow's POV

I didn't want to eat anything. Don't get me wrong, Kitty is a amazing chef and cooks amazing meals for the TSP,  I just felt like starving (wow that's deep)

Most of the TSP went off to do their work. I was about to stand up until I fainted on the table.

Tigry's POV

OMG I slept in most of the TSP have already gone to do their work. I missed breakfast,
Huh? Is Willow asleep on the cafeteria table

I better wake her up shes not a heavy sleeper

Willow wake up .... Willow? I shook her, no response I put my hand on her heart. It was hardly beating...


Umm , I got to take her to Katie! Picks her up*

At Katie's office
"Oh helo Tigry" said Katie
"Hi Listen Willow just fainted, her heart is hardly beating!" I quickly yelled to her

"Oh my goodness, don't worry I will check her and make sure she is ok ,you can go I will tell you what was wrong".
"Ok thanks a lot Katie" I said walking out


"Um Tigry?" said Katie
" Yes is everything ok?" I asked Worried

" Willow fainted because of starvation" Katie responded
"Wait, Starvation?"

"Well Willow for the past 5 days was hardly eating anything," explained Katie" But no worries can you take her to hed bedroom?"

" Sure "

At Willow's bedroom

I waited until Willow woke up .
"Ugh my head " Willow mumbled

" Hi Willow, um well to catch you up you kinda fainted in the cafeteria, I took you To Katie and she said you fainted of starvation?

"Oh yeah..." Willow responded

"May I ask why?" I said, Honestly I didn't want to make her say something she wasn't comfortable with.

Third person POV

"Ok... I will tell you "she said sitting next to me" Ok so you know my parents, my brother and my foster mother all were taken away from my life, over the past couple of days I felt that I could continue with my life... I felt I wanted to attempt suicide... to me the slowness way to die was starving myself, so I didn't eat anything for 5 days.

She paused and wiped away A tear

Tigry felt horrible, he would never expect Willow to kill herself because
of loneliness.

Tigry wrapped his arm around Willow and pulled her into a hug

"Huh?" Willow was confused
"I-I didn't know you would kil yourself, I'm sorry that I asked you about something so personally" Tigry said softly
" Honestly I kinda felt nice to tell someone about it" she said smiling

Tigry looked at her. He had hardly never seen Willow smile.
For the past couple of days Tigry spent time with Willow. They would usually comfort each other and talk about there life.

Willow felt love towards the Tiger but Willow was to shy tell him

One day
Willow wanted to talk to Tigry about something

Still Third person POV( wow there are a lot of POV'S in this story )
"So Willow you wanted to tell me something" asked Tigry

" Um yes... I LIKE YOU TIGRY" Willow bursted at Tigry

Tigry didnt say anything but placed his hands on the wolve's cheeks and pulled her Into a kiss.
Willow was confused and hesitated before kissing back.

After the kiss...

" Blushing* sorry if this was awkward" Tigry said embarrassed
" Hugs him* I love you" Willow said

"Hugs back and kisses head* I love you too"



Thanks Alex_ 2391212 again for requested this story I hope you liked this.

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