Sweaters Part 2 ( Shorts

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Alright so this is just part two of the sweaters that I did a couple drafts ago hope you like it


And so the wolf and the Tiger set off. Continuing the long forest path they had a head of them. They've been looking for around an hour, and decided to catch break. They found a tall oak tree.
" Well this should be a good place to rest for a bit" Said Tigry patting the bark of the tree.
"Alright" Willow answered as they both sat down, lying against the tree.

Willow soon realised that she was still wearing Tigry's sweater

"Umm Tigry? do you want to have your sweater" she asked preparing to take the green sweater she had on.
"Oh I honestly don't mind if you keep it, green never really suited me honestly" he responded to the wolf

"You sure?" Willow asked one more time
Tigry nodded and smiled

"Okay... Thanks " Willow said

"Your Welc-" Tigry started but willow I was already fast asleep.

Tigry Mind:
How can she sleep that fast she was only up a minute ago

But the tiger didn't really care that much. He settled beside willow as she slept, and gently patted her head whilst she was sleeping. Since Willow was already sleeping he thought he might as well have a nap, he gently got out a a blanket, and placed it over himself and Willow. The before resting Tigry gently placed a small kiss on Willows head and drifted off to sleep...

And a bunch of infected found them and all killed them, The end.
Alright alright I was kidding.


I also think that is actually the first story that I actually used a more descriptive choice of words. But anyway I hope you all enjoyed that story.

 TxW Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now