Again.. (2)

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(Chris's POV again)

I woke up from my alarm for school screaming in my ears. I really wanted to skip, but I knew that that was not an option. I sat up in my bed, still having a pounding headache from the tears that I cried the other night. I really wanted to ask my Mom to skip again, but I knew that was not an option either, even though she wanted to help me with the bullying I knew she would not allow me to skip any more days.

"God I hate my life" I said in a low voice before I got out of bed, I grabbed my clothes than I hurried to the bathroom to shower after I realized it was already 6:15 AM. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes away. I couldn't help but look at my body in bruises and scars I looked at myself in the mirror in utter disgust from what I saw, but I snapped out of it when I heard my mom call my name.

Mom: Chris hurry we need to be leaving the house at 6:45 AM for school or we're gonna be late, she yelled.

I dropped my head because I really did not want to go, but I had to. I got in the shower and quickly rinsed off. After my shower I quickly threw my clothes on, brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant for school before walking out of the bathroom door. My Mom tried to greet me with a warm, loving, smile but I just walked past her heading outside to the car.

(Time skip after the car ride)

I got up to the doors of the middle school and I felt like I just couldn't go in. I looked back at my Mom's car in hope that she would let me go back into the car but she was already gone. I walked into school with my head down like always when I got into my first class, the teacher was nowhere to be in sight and right then and there I knew I was fucked. Instantly kids in my class started throwing stuff at me saying "why is the weirdo back" and "Imagine not having friends" I just stayed looking down at the floor for the rest of my classes for the morning.

When the lunch bell finally rang, I quickly walked out of my third class. Happy to finally get away from people for a bit. I waited in the back of the lunch line like usual because I knew if I went ahead, I would just get pushed around and bullied more when I finally got my food, I went outside to go eat. I decided to eat lunch on the benches where nobody was. I took out my phone to see if I got any messages or phone calls. I noticed that I got a text message from my dad. I didn't even want to open it because I knew if I did, I'd just get hurt even more so I pretended as if I never saw the message.

After lunch, I went to go dump my tray of food that I did not even touch and then I walked to my fifth period history class, relieved that I don't have any asshole's in that class I felt like I was having a mini vacation but sadly it's only a 47 minute class but I'm not surprised this world hates me. After history I went back to feeling like shit but thank God I only had 2 hours of school left

(2 hours later)

When the final bell rang I was so delighted I walked out of school in a decent mood. My mom was not there yet, but it was not a big deal because I understand that she might've had to work a little extra late again. So I ended up putting in my headphones and started walking back towards the school until I suddenly fell to the ground

"Haha what a dweeb, why don't you go kill yourself already nobody loves you anyway" I heard someone say, when I tried getting back up onto my feet I kept getting kicked in the ribs, stomach, and head. Then all of a sudden everything turned black...

(45 minutes later)

I woke up from a random girl shaking me and asking me if I'm okay I looked at her confused due to her being a black blurry blob in my eyes due to my vision being messed up. All of a sudden, she opened the cap of her water bottle and poured some in my mouth. After a little time I started getting my vision back slowly when I could finally see what she looks like I swear she looked like a Greek Goddess but I ignored what I was thinking until she started speaking

Y/N: are you okay? Do you want me to bring you to the nurse? She said in a worried voice.

Chris: No I'm fine but thanks for helping me, I said quickly before getting up and grabbing my bag off the floor as well.

Y/N: No problem but wait what's your name? She said as quickly as I did

Chris: It's Chris, and you?

Y/N: My names Y/N but I got a stupid question it's fine if you don't want to. She said bluntly

Chris: Uhh sure what's up. I said hella curious about what she wants.

Y/N: Can you wait with me till my ride gets here I don't like being alone. She said in a quiet voice looking down at the floor.

Chris: Sure I guess...Confused as why she even wanted to talk to me.

For five minutes straight, it was awkward silence we did not even say a word to each other, until she brought her hand out and gave me a sucker.

Chris: What's this for? I said curious why she was offering me a dum dum sucker

Y/N: Well I just wanted to give you this in hopes to cheer you up you probably have all kinds of bruises on you so hopefully this helps. she said with a soft smile on her face

Chris: Thanks Y/N, I said with a small smile on my face.

Even though I have only known this girl for like 10 minutes I really wanted to ask her if we could hangout or get to know each other more because she was honestly sweet but I felt like she would probably just laugh if I even tried asking her but i'm going to take a chance, I'm done being weak so here I go.

Chris: Hey Y/N I know this might sound weird or something but is there a chance we could possibly hangout or even be friends by chance, to be honest I got no friends here. I said looking at her.

Y/N: Sure I'm down, do you want my number? She said with a smile on her face.

Chris: Sure here's my number (xxx-xxx-xxxx). I said showing her my phone.

Y/N: Okay here's mine (xxx-xxx-xxxx) she said before looking up

Y/N: Oh shit my rides here, I got to go bye Chris she gave me a small side hug before running towards her mom's car.

I smiled knowing that this is the most happiest I have been in awhile, but when I looked down at my phone, I realized I accidentally opened Travis's message so I decided to read it.

Travis: Hey kiddo, I know it's been awhile but I just wanted to tell you that I can't make it to your 15th birthday party get together. Madison and I booked a trip with Nick and Alicia to Hawaii I'm sorry son.

I rolled my eyes and decided I would just reply and get this done and over with

Chris: No shocker dad, I haven't even seen you for over a year why should I be surprised now? But please don't ever text me again. I'm done with you and your promises you can never keep.

After I sent that I decided to do the right thing and block him for good. I checked the time and realized it's was 5:00 PM and my mom was still not here so I decided to walk home thinking about Y/N smiling to myself.


Authors note: HEY BABES, I decided to give you guys a longer chapter this time and thank you for 15 reads and 7 votes even though it does not seem a lot to some people it honestly means a lot to me. I just wanted to talk to you guys about something to clear up any questions you might have. Yes this book will turn into Y/N'S point of view soon but I just want to make a couple parts about Chris so you readers can understand him better and the apocalypse will start eventually but for right now I want to build Y/N'S and Chris's bond before going into the apocalypse, but now that's clear I am now going to go to bed so good night y'all and be safe❤️

Word count: 1554
Date: August 18th of 2033

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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