The day before we met (1)

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(Chris's POV)

"Growing up I always thought everything would be the same, me being happy, my parents being a healthy married couple, having friends, and actually being cared for well that was all a fucked up lie I told myself. Everything in my life has gone to complete shit, me and my Mom live in a run down apartment struggling to even make ends meet, we barely even see each other due to her always being at work to pay the bills.

But I don't even blame her I blame my terrible Father Travis ever since he cheated on my Mom when I was a kid my life has changed for the worst. I always thought he would be around until Madison came into the photo and swept my Dad right off his feet. Eventually after that my Father moved out and started living his new life with Madison and her kids Nick and Alicia. Yeah my Dad tried to contact me once in awhile but it was never the same like when we used to play football together at family gatherings or when he would be their for me when I was getting bullied in school instead he is just their for Nick and Alicia. I get to see all the family vacations that they go on and all achievements they have made as a family while barely anyone even knows he is my Father.

I truly do wish things could go back to the way they were before my Dad met Madison and than I would never be considered the second choice or the second option, but now I got no one their for me besides my Mother who is already barely around. Since my Dad left the bullying only got worse by the day I get told terrible things just because I don't have a Father figure around like "Imagine your Dad not loving you can't be me" or "Aww someone misses their Dad" sometimes I even get shoved into lockers or tortured from other students all because Travis is not around anymore. I will never forgive him for what he did to me and my Mom he can rot in hell for all I care." I explained to my counselor Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones: I understand Chris but how are the students torturing you and do you even have any proof to back up what you said to me? She said in a calm tone

When she said that I froze, I didn't know if I should tell the truth or not because even if the truth comes out it would get worse. I wanted to show her all the knife marks and bruises I have on my ribs and my arms but I just felt like I couldn't I already have old scars on me and I didn't need any extra so I lied.

"No, all of this is from the past Mrs. Jones" I said trying my hardest to not have tears fall from my face.

Mrs. Jones: I'm sorry than Chris but their is nothing I can really do if you don't have any sort of proof. She said trying to not get frustrated with me.

"I understand Mrs. Jones but I really need to go now." I quickly ran out of her office and out of the building tears started falling down from my eyes and I started asking myself is this my purpose of being alive to just suffer? Shortly after my train of thoughts I saw my Mom pull into the parking lot outside of the Therapy Center.

Mom: Hey sweetie how was it? My Mom said with hope in her voice that the counselor can finally help with the bullying.

Terrible Mom they can't help again why do you keep sending me back to this shitty place?, they just tell me the same stuff over and over, I cried.

Mom: Chris I'm so sorry, she said in a rushed tone and quickly hugged me.

(Short Time Skip)

On the car ride home it was completely silent, we didn't speak to each other at all my Mom understood that I needed my space and she accepted that. When we walked into the house I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it pacing back and forth crying I knew that my Mom wanted to come in and help but I just needed to be alone.

I sat on the floor right next to my bed in tears until a book caught my attention it was a leather book that said the word "memories" on the front. I opened it and instantly all I saw was photos of me growing up I kept turning the pages, while wiping the tears off of my face until I got to photos of me and my Dad I saw photos of us at my first football victory ever and him hugging me, photos of him cutting the cake at my 10th birthday party, lastly I saw photos of him holding me as a baby, I quickly shut the book I could not look at it anymore.

I got up and laid it down on the floor than I laid down on my bed. I was starting to get a pounding headache because of all the tears that I cried I really do wish my Dad would've been a better Man to my Mother, so than me and her would of been happy but maybe in another lifetime. Before I closed my eyes the last thing I remember saying is "I miss you Dad" and shortly after I fell asleep.

Authors Note: Hey guys so how are we feeling about part 1? In this part I wanted you guys to experience what Chris was all going through when his father left in this book and why he hated his father even though in the show he never really hated his father but in this book he does. I decided I was gonna give you guys part 1 early I stayed up all night working on this so I truly hope you guys do enjoy. Now it's 9:10 AM and I have not gone to bed yet so imma try to get some shut eye but goodnight y'all!

Date: Wednesday, August 16th of 2023
Word Count: 1052!

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