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||India Westbrooks- Bailey||

"Why are you crying girl?" I asked Kayla as we sat in the waiting room waiting for her to get checked out

"Girl!!" She laughed "One.. I'm emotional. Two, if I have something my children will have it too more than likely and I could die! That's why i'm getting checked for all this shit! That proves that his ass don't wrap it up with everybody and all that shit! Ugghhh!"

I covered my nose "Bitch! I feels but your breath smell so fresh that it stinks." I laughed

"But it smells good?" She stopped crying

"I know but still."

"Kayla Phillips?" The woman came out. She went back while I stayed out with the kids

||Kayla Phillips||

"So Ms. Phillips... You are here to get tested for?"

"Std's... Anything I could catch from having sex."

"Alright, and I see you 're pregnant."

"Yes. Five months now. I'm having a boy and a girl." I smiled. She smiled

"Alright... Well I'll take this shot and you will get your results in up to five business days." She went over to where the needle's were and grabbed one. She took a shot and filled three tubes with my blood.

"We are all done here Ms. Kayla... Best luck with your results."

"Thanks." I said as I got up and made my way up front to India and the kids

"That was quick."

"Yeah, I know now let's go."

We went to her house and the kids were playing outside, while we we are chilling. My phone started buzzing and I looked down to see August's name. I ignored it. He kept constantly calling and I finally picked it up.

"What do you want?!"


"Who's this?!"

"Camille.. See, uhm Au-" I hung up

August: Kayla.. It's Camille. August wants to know if he can get Ant.


August: Don't get smart with me because of him. It's not my fault he didn't want to see y'all. Lol.

I threw my phone down causing it to crack.

"Damn! What the fuck it wrong with you?" India asked

"I'm not trying to talk about it.... Me and Anthony is leaving unless you want to keep him tonight."

"He can stay. Him and Devontae is playing."

"Alright, well i'm leaving
Tell him I'll call him later." I said and left.

I can't believe he's going to sit up here and have this hoe call me for him asking if he can pick up my son. Fame changed him... He isn't the same August I met in highschool. I pulled up to my house and I seen August's car in my drive way. Him and Camille was in the car. I hurried up got out and sped walk to the door as he jumped out of the car speed walking to me. I hurried unlocked the door and closed it as soon as he approached.

"Kayla.. Whea' my son at?" He said from the other side.

I walked and flopped down on the couch and closed my eyed. All of a sudden the front door opens. Damn, I forgot to lock it.

"Kayla..getcha luh' ass up right na'."

"You not my daddy. Shut the fuck up and get out of my house."

"Get up." He grabbed my arm pulling me up.

I jerked my arm away. "Nigga! I don't know who you THINK you are... But i'm here to telling you who you not.. And you not bout to fucking grab me and talk to me fucking reckless." I snapped

He smirked turned me around and bent me over on the couch, pressed his front against my butt and grinded on me.
"You'd like if I fucked you... Then you'd beg me ta talk Fuckin' reckless to ya ass." He grabbed my hair

My breathing started getting weird. It sped up and increased. "August... Let me fucking go!!" I tried to reach my hand back to slap him.

"Call me daddy."

"What?! No!! Go tell your whore to call you daddy." He let go of my hair roughly and slapped my ass.
"August ... I hate you! I really do." I said tears threatening to escape my eyes. He chuckled.

"Whea's my son at?"

"Don't worry about him. Don't worry about him, or my other kids.. Just get out of my damn house." I said

"Nah." He sat down and in walked Camille

"Hell nah! Get out of my house! Both of y'all!!!!!!!!!" I grabbed my phone and made a call.

"Hello!?" Marion asked

"Can you come by my house and handle these two people for me?"

"Yeah.. Be there in a minute." He said and hung up

I went outside and waited. How in the hell are they going to come in my house and try to run shit. I hate being pregnant. I can't really defend myself now.


Love Changed [Book 2] (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now