C.71 (part two)

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||Kayla Phillips||

"Kayla. Do you want us to go with you to the hospital?" Tati asked

"No. It's fine. I'll call y'all when I get there though. I need the both of you to watch my kids while I'm there."

"Alright girl. We got them." Naomi said. I nodded before leaving. Momma Sheila and them left and went home, I went straight to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. I called August and he said that she was pushing as we was spoke. He told me to come back and see the baby and I went back there.

||August Alsina||

"Don't cry." I grabbed Kayla and pulled her into a hug. "Why you cryin?"

"Because. I don't want you to have a child with her." She whined

"It's already done I'm sorry, I can't take it back."

"I know. But on the bright side we have our four and one on the way kids, and we're married!!" She smiled looking up at me.

"Yeah... But I'm about to go check on her real quick to see if she good. They had to move her to a higher floor so you gonna stay here come up, sit in the waiting room, or want me to meet you at the house?"

"I'll be in the waiting room." She said and walked off. I was heading towards when someone bumped against me.

"Excuse you ma nigga?"
The dude turned around a little bit not too much where I could see his face and he chuckled. I shook my head and kept walking.

||Kayla Phillips||

I walked into the empty cold some what dark waiting room and sat down. I caught myself dozing off, and I fell asleep before I heard someone call my name.

"Kayla." I heard a voice I cracked my eye open and seen a body standing in a distance by the door. I couldn't really see because my eyes were blurry.

"You're done?" I asked thinking it was August and another body appeared. I rubbed my eyes and I saw that it was a man and a woman. maybe i'm hearing stuff again. The man went and sat down and the woman smiled and walked past me going into the bathroom. I closed my eyes again, but before I could doze off I felt a sharp pain shoot through my neck, my vision get blurry again and everything starting to go black.

I struggled to keep my eyes open for a minute longer to see the man in front of me up close. "T-Tyrese?" I asked weak.

"Did you miss me?" He smirked.


The Trilogy is "Lost Love".. The Prologue is out, go add it to your library.


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Love Changed [Book 2] (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now