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||Kayla Phillips||

I woke up to the sound of something being thrown at my window repeatedly. I got out the bed and forced myself to the window only to see August out there throwing tiny Peebles at it. I slid my window open and mugged him

"What in the blue fuck are you doing?!" I asked

"Did you not hea tha doorbell?" He rubbed his head "Uhh...Or is this shits not working'?" He asked

"I was sleep... Me and Your son is sleep! It is.." I turned to look at my clock "One thirty in the morning, what could you possibly want?? Would you want me coming to your house and throw shit at your window waking you and your hoes up?"

"Hoes?" He smirked

"Yeah.. Hoes nigga. Go back home to Camille!" I yelled and shut my window, falling back to sleep.

Nigga got me messed up if he thinks i'm going to let him in here

Later on....

||August Alsina||

"Why would you go to Kayla's showing out this morning?"

"I did what?"

"Went to Kayla's showing out this morning? Does one something this morning and little pebbles refresh your memory?" She asked.

I thought......

"Oh. See what happen was I had just left from meetin' up with ah friend an I drove ta Kayla crib thinkin she'd let me crash thea' but she wouldn't open tha doe', so I slept in my ca'."

"Was that friend that little whore Camille?"

I nodded my head.

"Son, I don't know what you're doing with this girl. You mess with her she messing things up for you, you stop messing with her, you go back to her, then it repeats again.. You're gonna end up catching something... I hope you haven't. You never got checked out. You could have caught something from that Bianca girl, or this Carly... I mean Camille girl. Then you messed with Kayla... Both of y'all need to go get checked out son."

"Ma.. Ha name is Briana, not Bianca. I'll go get tested, but do you forreal want me ta tell Kayla to?"

"Yes!! Boy if you don't get your... Tell that girl, or I'll tell her."

"Okay.. Tell me how she reacts." I stood up

"Sit." My mom grabbed me
"Now... Five years ago you could have gave her something and then... The last time you two had sex was like five months ago right.. Since she's five months pregnant so her and the babies could catch something."

"Okay... Ma, don't say nothin' but me and Kayla had sex last month in France."

"What?! How when her and Trey is together and if I remember correctly... Y'all shared rooms together along with India's husband so..."

"Okay, look long story short. ha and Trey kept arguing on tha plane he asked me to get ha unda control, I took ha to tha bathroom ta cool ha attitude an she kept begging me to... You Kno'. I refused although she said a one time thing. Got to da room they argued again, he left we left went to da club.. Kayla in the room then I last seen Trey with some girl then they diaappeard. Dave went to anotha'room cause him an Kayla was going at it. I went back to tha room an it sort of happened and she was happy afta', then she started not feelin' good. That's the shortest I can tell ya fa' you to unda'stand."

"I still don't. I can't believe you going to do that boy!" She slapped me in my head

"Damn mama!"

"Don't you cuss at me boy! You're the one causing her to have Cervical Insufficiency?!" She slapped me again several times. "You had sex with her as if she wasn't pregnant! You dumb, dumb boy. I should curse you out but i'm not going too. August just know i'm disappointed. Then now your back with that little whore." She laughed with an angry expression

"Ma.. I'm sorry.. Me and Camille is just friends."

"I don't care August... Just leave my house, call me when you get to Kayla's go now!"

"I'm a grown man. You can't make me go to her house an stuff."

"But I can make you leave my house. Go get checked out. You can DIE FROM WHAT SHE GIVES YOU IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT ALREADY!" She yelled.

I got up and walked out of her house. I texted Kayla and told her to get checked out. She texted back why. But I don't owe an explanation to NOBODY.

||Kayla Phillips||

I'm confused of what August texted me. Seems like he wants me to get checked out for diseases. I don't know if he wants to know if I have anything, or if he is saying he has something cause I've only had sex with one person my whole life which is him. He won't text me back. I called and scheduled me an appointment for tomorrow.

I yelled

"Yes ma'am?" He came down the steps

"You want to go swimming?" I asked. He quickly nodded

"Alright. You can after you eat... Want to go get some Popeye's or McDonald's?"

"Ugh..." He rubbed his chin "McDonald's.".

"Alright.... Put your shoes on."

"Okay... Can we go see daddy?" He asked

"I guess." I said and waited for him to come back down. I went to McDonald's and got him a Big Mac Meal since he has been acting right, and I got me a salad and some Nuggets. He played in the little play are as I sat and watched. He had fun playing with the other kids that was in there with him.

We finally got finished and I drove to August's house. I got out and walked Anthony up to the door. We rung the doorbell like a thousand times and stood out for about 10 minutes. Finally the door opened and there stood the whore of all whores in a robe.

"Oh Kayla!! You look big.. Er..
Do you guys need something?" She smirked

I ignored her slick comment."My son would like to see HIS father." I mugged at her

"He isn't accepting company right now."

"Bitch you act like he a boss or some shit over a company and you his secretary. This is family like and my child wants to see his father."

She shook her head. I got out my phone and dialed Aug's number
He answered at the last ring. "What?!"

"Don't you fucking what me! Me and OUR son is out here and you'r whore won't let us in. My feet is killing me and Anthony is waiting to see you."

"Go on an get back in ya ca'... Drop him off at my mama tomorrow an I'll come get him."

"So you really not going to let us come in so you can see your child?" I looked at Camille whom was smirking and looking at Anthony.


"Okay. Bet." I hung up, grabbed Anthony's hand and walked to my car

"Told you!" Camillie yelled behind us.

Fuck August.. Tbh.



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