Chapter 6

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The bright grey light of the morning blinded me as my eyes fluttered open. I groaned silently in response to the pounding headache that took over my head, not to mention the burning sting I felt in my left leg.
              For a moment I was confused. But soon enough everything came back to me, and it confused me even more. Was that really a-a.......a Werewolf?! What the hell happened last night?
           I turned my head slowly to the side of the bed, and spotted none other than Lafayette. He looked to have fallen asleep with his head and arms on the edge of my bed. I had no intention in waking him up; he looked so peaceful like this, and I couldn't help but giggle at the soft snores that came from him. However, my admiring of the Frenchman was cut short when Peggy marched into the room, looking worriedly at me.

                "Oh, thank God you're awake!" She exclaimed with a sigh of relief. Lafayette was disturbed by the noise, and he slowly started to wake up. I watched as he raised his head, yawning, and as his eyes met mine. It's like his gaze froze me in time; nothing else seemed to matter as I stared into his shining brown eyes. I felt like I could just continue getting lost in his beautiful eyes for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, Peggy walked closer to my bed, making Lafayette avert his gaze from mine.

           "Do you remember any thing from last night?" Peggy asked me.

           "Was that a werewolf?! Peggy, please tell me. What have you been hiding from me since I got here?" Peggy just watched me as I spoke rapidly. She let out a sigh.

           "Y/n, I can't tell you-"

            "She's been hiding this" Lafayette got up, taking a glass from my nightstand and pouring the water down on Peggy's legs. She yelped, probably regretting now that she slept in shorts. But to my surprise the skin touched by water turned to shiny yellow scales.

             "Lafayette!" She yelled, glaring at him.

             "What? She 'as ze right to know!" Laf glared back at Peggy. He sat down on the edge of the bed, facing me. "Peggy's dark little secret is zat she is a mermaid. 'Er entire family are merpeople. Tomas is a loup-garou, a werewolf. And James is a ghoul, but don't worry. 'E won't eat your flesh."

              I stared at him in shock as he explained how it was usually forbidden for humans to know of their existence. But it was crazy! My best friend is a werewolf and he never told me. My other best friend is a mermaid and she was planning on never telling me. At the moment, I loved Laf more than ever for telling me the truth. Wait........

           "I'm so sorry Y/n. But it puts us in danger if we tell humans about us. However, I should have trusted you with it. We all should've trusted you with it. That way, the trouble from last night wouldn't exist. For the record, that night you really saw a ghost. It's one of the students here. The big majority of students are mythical creatures in this college."

               I nodded in understanding, but honestly it was a lot to take in. Peggy meant to tell me that Thomas brought me to a college full of werewolves, merpeople, ghosts, ghouls and who knows what else! Why the blazes did he bring me here?
           Instead of letting that train of thought run deep in my mind, creating a small hatred for Thomas I turned to Lafayette. He had his arms crossed, looking to be in deep thought.

              "Laf?" His head snapped to me, giving me his full attention. "What are you?" I asked quietly.

           He stared at me for a long time, debating what to say. Debating if he should tell me everything or if he should just keep the story for another time.
             Finally, he made up his mind.

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