Chapter 9: Captain Hardrock

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Connor POV

"I'm off!" I called as I left the house and made my way to the Couffaine's boathouse.

Today is the Music Festival and I was asked to help the others out with their performance. After a few minutes, I arrived at the boathouse, where everyone was sorting out their equipment.

"Hey, guys. Sorry if I'm late." I said.

"You're actually on time, C-Dawg." Rydell replied as he handed Rose the microphone.

As I was putting up the banner, I saw Mei helping Alya. As soon our eyes met, she blushed and waved sheepishly at me. I returned the wave, blushing madly.

Suddenly, I saw Marinette  gathering items around Juleka's houseboat to clean it up.

I'm surprised she came along.

"Hey, Connor. Did you see Adrien on the way?" She asked me.

So that's why she came along. 

"Fraid not." I replied.

Mei sighed and held Marinette's shoulder. "The world doesn't resolve around Adrien. It's not the end of the world if he doesn't make it."

"What if he doesn't know Juleka's address?! Or he got the day wrong?! Or he's lost?!" Marinette rambles on as Mei shrugged in defeat and went her way.

"Hey, Nino, Alya, have you two heard from Adrien by any chance?" Isabella asks.

"Not yet. Let me call him." Nino replied as he pulled out his phone.

 "Cap'n Anarka speaking to ya'! So how's it comin' along, me young pirates?" A woman with long greenish-gray hair which is braided down her back, red lipstick, and light cerulean eyes called out. She wore a pair of earrings with alternating aqua and red spheres, and a variety of bracelets and armlets. She also wears three rings on every finger except for her ring finger on her right hand. She also has an indigo headband with a hair clip positioned in the centre.

"So that's Juleka's mum? Huh. Wonder if she's related to Blackbeard?" I muttered.

She noticed Marinette holding a box, "Whatcha up to, there, matey?" she takes the box from her.

"Uh, hello ma'am. I-I'm cleaning up for tonight! Your boat's gonna be clean as a whistle!" Marinette replied.

"You're cleaning?!" Anarka laughs as she begins to throw things from the box onto the ground, "We never pick up in this house! Didn't me daughter tell ya? We like the lived-in look. We have no rules on The Liberty! Out of chaos comes creation! Messiness is life!"

"She sure is something." Mei said to me, while I nodded in agreement.

"Wonder where Adrien is?" I asked.

"Probably playing the piano for Mr Control Freak no doubt." Nino commented.

Adrien POV

I was playing the piano for my father, who was watching my every move. It was going well until I played the wrong key, causing my father to stop me.

"I've heard enough. Are you sure you're practicing, Adrien?"  He asked.

Not really. I thought.

"I'm just doing the same exercises over and over again. I think I could make better progress if I could just play with other musicians. After all, music's meant to be shared with other people, don't you think?"  I replied.

"We Agrestes are soloists. We're not mere group members. I suggest you rehearse your piece some more. You'll play it for me again later today."

"But father, you promised that I could attend my friends' concert!" I protested.

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