Chapter 7

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No ones pov

In another universe batman, Wonder woman, and superman are in the white house trying to get to Luther since he is president in that universe. Let's just say superman was the one that got to him and ended Luther. That superman made changes and then they changed their styles and name they are called the justice lord. This justice lord lot a hero Flash died. Only one universe has a jen and is the original no toher one has her.

2 year latter

Batman in the computer he made a discovery as well as fall inlove. the other where in the pace station making check to the different sectors. And super man had a meeting about elections to the president he said pations and then ended the meeting. Green Lantern and hawk girl where doing what they need to do and superman then has a date with loise after the meeting with the president buy they had another argument. Batman interups and said that he need to show him the the other something. He showed them the other them from another universe. They have a flash that is alive and some one else that they never had wich is enchantres.

The batman let them see how they are fighting Luther eventhough his focus is towards enchantress. He couldn't stop looking at her he thought that she was beautiful and strong. He can also tell that he can manipulate her abit. He showed them how their name are the justice league not justice lord and that enchantress ended the fight by turning Luther in to a toad. And put him in a jar. They heard her sa" is only temporary he will be back to human in 45min just in time to put him in jail." That surprised the justice lord. Their jen use her magic to turn villans in to animal instead of killing them. This was something that they didnt have they Hawk girl from the justice lords said that is to bad we can't help them. And we'll the Batman actually made a portal to that universe they want to help the other them from that universe but then they realize that maybe they won't accept the type of help they have. Plus, batman says " I also made a discovery that she is the only enchantress in the universe and that if she stayed whit htem it would cause hard to the universe is like she can chose to live hwere ever with out destruction.  Plus, he also said that if she stayed with them maybe they can changed their way of dealing with villans than killing or lambotemy. The other agree so the hatch a plan and they are Sending their marsion man to the universe to luer the other league and them incapacitate them. So that they can do what they did in their universe.

In the other univers after jen stopped Luther. Flash fixed the room with his speed. After he did that the portal open and their can marsion man hunter but in a different suit. Jen was a bit shocked but also amazed there was another universe this marsion manhunt was telling a lie saying that their universe is collapsing and that their Batman made this portal and that if they go now they can find out what is the problem since his universe's is in the center. They agree. Jen said " ok guys I will see you latter then I have to go back to the station I need to help canary with an issue. Jen wa stopped by the other marsion man saying " actually we will need your magic just incase it involves magic to help fix the universe."

Jen said " o maybe you are right. We don't know it it actually magic that is causing the issue or not. I will call canary give me a second." That is what she did. Canary understood and jen was ready to go. They went through the portal and into a room with no doors or windows and it was white as well. They where confuse and then the other masion man hunter apologized and went through the cube and the next this they know they where being shocked.

Jen thought fast and made a shield. She was wondering what was going on. She used her magic to get out the box. And then she sees the other league she says " what the heck is going on you are hurting my friends." She still has the shield up. Not even superman can break it. The other Batman says " we can explain but please calmdown and take down the shield. You can trust me." Jen says " I will listen but the shield stays until I know you won't do anything to me plus, you can't forget I can literally turn you all in to animals and take away your powers. I won't hesitate, do you understand." This does shoked them the hawk girl from the other universe see that the other hawk girl is using her weapon to break the wall while directing the electricity. It worked, but the green lantern used his power to nock her out and injured her as well. This upset jen so she turned him in to a pig saying " that what you get for hurting her. Anyone else wants a try."  The other shake their heads no and then jen says now talk. And so Batman says " I am sorry for what we are doing but we dought that your friends would want our help since I won't lie is unorthodox." Jen say " what do you mean don't you guys fight bad guys and send them to jail for justice? Don't you belive in doing the right thing by making choices that are orthodox?"

Batman say " sadly the day flash died in our universe along along with what our Luther did almost causing a war that can destroy everything in our earth well it was bad and onto of that we realized that if we don't change our way things won't get better. Our superman made a choice when Luther became president after what he did well superman made the choice to end him. And then not to long we lost our flash and it made it hard to do the right thing I know this will make you think that we are bad but really we made choices that had to happen in order to bring peace."

Jen says "  look I don't think that what you are doing is right but I understand. I am shocked Luther became president I mean that guy is literally the bad guy how the heck did he even get nominated with out........ never mind I forgot he is rich jackass. I understand that you lost a friend and a great hero I would be to but was all this necessary. You guys didn't take away people's rights that where given by the declaration documents. Or what ever......from the look of the way you don't look away you did. I am amazed they didn't do a uprise or something. Look let my friends and I go is best that you guys stay in your universe and me and my friends go to ours. I know you mean well in a way but this has to stop now. I should get my friends and go."

Jen was going to leave with her friends she had to put the shield down and Batman from this world took the aportunity and through a sleeping gas bomb. Not only catching jen off guard but also knocking her out. Batman took it in his hand to take jen. While the others put the other heros in the cells especially made for them to not use their powers. As for hawk girl she was taken to the hospital to be treated and jen was taken to batmans mansion. There he has her in a room with one door and no windows. Plus, he contacted zatana and he gave her a necklace that can cancel her powers and erase replace her memories with him.

Once the necklace was on jen wakes up and said " man what happened. Bruce is that you, Honey?" Batman from this universe had a small smile and took off his maks and said " yeah is me love sorry if I woke you." Jen said " Is ok. Did you need something? Or did you just want to cuddle." Batman said " can't I just kiss you before I leave to do my hero job." Jen said " sure honey come here" and they kissed with passion. After that he left to go to work not before he said " my love I will leave now you will have to stay here ok. When I come back we can enjoy each other's company." Jen smiled and said" sure love you."

The batman from this universe watched over the justice league. While the justice lord went to their universe and help them out. Batman from the other universe talked to the batman of the universe they are in since they are similar he has everything covered so he can't escape. The other Batman went to see flash he was just looking wich upset flash they has a discussion heck flash even asked about enchantress he said that she is with him and that she is his. This upsets batman and flash since jen is his friend.

Part 2 will come when it can

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