chapter 2

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Jens pov

My head hurts that is for sure as well as my chest but it makes sence yet how am I still feeling pain. I should be dead right. I need to open my eyes this is strange. So I did. I opened my eyes and I see I am in SPACE!?. I look around and see that i am in some sort of infirmary. Or something like that. I see a mirror and I look at my self and I look different not in a bad way.

I don't understand how did I what is going on

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I don't understand how did I what is going on. I look around again and I will be honest this looks familiar. I haven't been here but I have seen this place but where. Then I hear a voice say " you are awake that is good you have been unconscious for 2 days. When I turn around I see Batman

I was shocked I said " Batman wait a minute I am in the DC universe

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I was shocked I said " Batman wait a minute I am in the DC universe. I am where the justice leagues space the heck did this happened. I should have been dead." This shocked and confused Batman he said" you where suppose to be dead? How so?"  I told his what happened I said " ok well you may or may not believe me but keep in mind I have no reason to lie because one I am more anxious and scared and want to know what is going on and two you have superman even though he won't kill an innocent person I don't want to fight him. Ok so let me see if I can remember." I took a moment to think and the memories came to me like that .

I said "Ok I remember I am not from this universe or year.i am from an earth where you guys are a superhero TV show called the justice leagues. Most Calle it DC. Anyway, I am from the year 2022 a time where technology is a bit better and we fought a virus called Corona. Anyway, as I said I was supposed to be dead because one night while my mother and I where asleep some mysterious person broke in to our mobile home. Since I was closer to the door in a sence that my room wasn't that far I heard a comotion I grabbed a bat and went to see what was going on. Now before you say I shouldn't have done that and I should have called the cops. I was half a sleep and I didn't think ok. So I get out of my room with out making a sound I went behind the person and started to fight them I even called my mom to wake up and call the police. She gets out and while the person knocked me down I wasn't out he was going to shoot my mom after she said she called ro cops. So out of instinct I went infront of her. I got shot on my chest and shoulder. I still moved and swung the bat again hitting then in the head knocking them out the we tide thm up. I guess I has some adrenaline because I lost it I felt thenpain and it was hard to breath. My mother caught me and she tried to tell me everything will be OK. But I knew I was dying. I put my hand on her right cheek and said " I am not going to make it ma. I love you tell Alex, daisy, and pa I love them too and that I am sorry I won't be there for them. And everything went dark I died. And yet here I am in a nother universe alive.i died at the age of 24 in my world. Yet, I am here still 24 in a different appearance. I don't understand."

Bruce couldn't belive what he heard and he can tell she wasn't lying. Zatanna appeared and said " well even I am amazed. Looks like you where given a second chance. Not only that you also have power well more like witch magic and immortality. Ither the universe gave you this as a reward for your sacrifice. Or they hate you but I doughty is the second one.

I was shocked I said " I have witch powers and immortal!.what!?" Zatanna  said is more like infinite magic you have.more Tham one magic making you immortal. Now I will say I am sorry you went through that experience but you have a new slate a second chance to live in this universe as a hero. If you want me along with the other magic users  can train you so you are able to use your magis properly. As well as make potions. That is if Batman here is ok with you joining the league."

Batman was quite then he asked "if we are a show does that mean you know are identity?" I said " yes I do you are bruce wayne and she is Zatanna. I know every heros name like Clark Kent, Diana prince, John that is all for now because I have tomuch to think. Yet, if you are worried that I will tell anyone about your identity I won't. One who would belive me and is not my secret to tell. If you don't believe me then Zatanna can check if I am lying with her magic.

Bruce/ Batman told Zatanna to do that and when she did she knows I wasn't lying. Batman asked what my name in I said " my name is Jen Heart I m 24 years old I am an Aries, and I am puerto Rican. Puerto Rico may not exist in your world but it does in mine is a small island below florida. And that is all for now" both nod then Bruce said " is best for her to join us and become a hero. We can figure out living arrangements and such another time. Zatanna said" she can saty with me and be my assistant until she is done with her training. And then with the money she earned she can choose where to live after that."Batman agreed as well as me.

Batman talked to the other and told them everything and after a bit the leagues accepted me I was happy and still anxious and a bit upset. Yet, I didn't know I was crying until Batman went up to me and hugged me surprising everyone even me but I hugged him back and let my sadness out the other felt bad for me I mean they would feel the same way if they where in my shoes. After a while I stopped and I thanked Batman. He nodded still with serious face but a gentle one as well. After that me and zatanna left. She showed me where my room that I will stay in I thanked her and she told me we will train tomorrow. I nodded and went to my room to change in to the clothes she gave me. I went out and we eat we even talked a bit more and she never meet anyone like me her words not mine. After a good day with her and getting my self clothes. we went to her house and changed to our PJ then we went to sleep.

Batman pov

I don't know why I hugged her but I have to say we are some one similar I lost my parents because they protected me and her family lost her because she protected her mom. I feel I had to comfort her and I did what is wrong with me? Yet I don't hate it I am confuse.

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