They finally meet

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After several hours of bickering over whether or not someone should go and try to find them, the group finally showed up. They were clearly tired and hungry and so the village rushed to their aid and found them a place to sleep.

The next day the group woke up to a huge surprise. They found a village. In a mountain. That's known to be very dangerous. The villagers went along their usual day, while the kids played with the visitors and taught them their way as a village. They also taught them a few lessons they learned from Him. This caught the groups attention and asked them who taught them that. The kids skipped, ran, yelled, and walked them to Him. The group was introduced to Him and vice versa. He asked if any of the kids wanted to play a game of tag and "tagged" one of them causing them to run away and around them. The group was surprised he looked like a regular person and was asked why he wasn't praised as a God. He replied by saying that even religion corrupts people if given long enough dedication. That He taught the village and children to help out others when possible, to think of others as you would yourself. Be the the help that allows the help. The group talked about how they had started a religion off of His ways of lessons and life. He told them to stop the religion and just be the help that allows the help and to work on just that. To not make a big deal out of his life and to just move on. He told them that making Him into a religion would be a bad thing and only make things worse.

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