I'll see you at 8

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He decided to swallow his anxiety and approached her.

"Hey, I'm uh...König..." he said tentatively in a low voice, sounding a bit awkward. "You must be neu." He had seen her enter the base with a commander who had left her looking rather confused in the middle of the base. This raised his interest. He did try to look at her for a moment and she had noticed immediately.

The short girl in front of him raised her look to him and smiled, more to herself. She looked a bit lost, not like the usual military staff. Maybe she was working behind the scenes? He was about to find out.

It would be a lie to say she didn't notice him immediately considering his size.

When he approached her she was happy she wouldn't have to take initiative in starting conversations. It would be better to make friends here after all.

"Nice to meet you König! I'm Abby. Not my actual name." she winked friendly and then realised the oversharing "But a nickname my friends gave me. And my call sign." She added hastily.

König nodded interested. However, their introduction was cut short by a commander telling Abby to change into training gear. "Sergeant, the new recruit needs to start training as soon as possible." He gave her a judgy look up and down, clearly disapproving of her presence "Today. As you're here conveniently, you will do this. Copy?" "Copy" Both of them exchanged a glance as the man left.

"So," she asked quietly, turning her body back to him "When will we get closer? To the training I mean?" Her eyes avoided his, hoping he didn't realise she let her mind slip.

He tilted his head. "I was wondering the same thing. They gave you like 5 Minuten to settle in, then you're already supposed to spar. Are you uh...are you ready..?" he asked, his stomach twisting with anxiety. The way she looked at him with genuine curiosity and her proximity were clouding his better judgement.

Her mind wandered off to a different situation in which he could've asked the same question and shook her body slightly to get out of that thought.

"Yeah, yes I'm ready. Do you know where I can find the locker room?"

He nodded and raised his arm to point in the direction. As he pointed her hand accidentally brushed against his and he immediately pulled back.

"S-sorry about that," he quickly muttered. She put her hand on his for a moment to indicate that there was no need to be shy. She didn't know why she was this outgoing right now, maybe this change of environment was good for her.

"Could you maybe guide me to the locker room? I feel like I'm being ... watched"

She gestured with her head to the other guys surrounding them, staring at the newbie who was the only woman in the room.

He glanced back at the other men and quickly looked back at her. "Oh ok ja sure," he said softly as he grabbed her hand again.

He got up and started leading her towards the locker room. As they left, some of the men were still looking at her, talking to each other.

When she reached the locker room she pulled up her shirt just before the door closed in front of König.

She felt fuzzy and warm, did she really just develop a crush on the first guy at work? And .. did he like her too? She lifted the hand that he had just held to her face and sighed. Hopefully he wouldn't be too hard on her in training.

After she put another shirt right on she exited the locker room. He stood outside and cleared his throat, then spoke calmly.

"Okay, so what I have been told is that I'm supposed to spar with you," he said, still sounding a bit nervous. "I guess we could uh...practice boxing first?"


He went to a corner and got into a boxing fighting stance. He looked back at her, "So what do you think your odds are against me?"

This situation was new to her but he made her comfortably enough to smile again.

"Comfortable enough to buy you dinner if I lose" she smiled daringly. This would be a win-win situation if he allowed it.

She brushed a curl out of her face and tried to copy his pose, having no combat experience herself.

König's cheeks flushed when she smiled at him. She didn't use his military rank to address him, no sir. Straightforward, he liked it. He took a deep breath and exhaled before responding, "Only if you want to...no pressure."

He watched for a moment as she tried to mimic his boxing stance, and offered her a few pointers: "So a fighting stance is a bit more forward so your arms are closer to their centre of mass...and you don't want to bring your fists this far back, it's like you're announcing all your punches."

He then started to circle around her, waiting for her to make the first move.

Taking a step forward, she tricked him and let herself fall back. As König assumed she'd go straight, he was right behind her and startled by the weight hitting him sideways. Abby grabbed his arm in his confusion but clearly didn't know any further after this point - he was much stronger and holding his arm wouldn't do much.

He was completely caught off guard by her sudden tackle and he stumbled forward a bit, but managed to keep him and himself from completely falling down.

He quickly caught his breath and then turned his look to her, his heart racing. He was starting to really sweat now.

"Oh my," he said inaudibly as a grin crossed his face. "I guess I underestimated you."

He tried to pull his arm back but she was still holding on tightly.

She quickly wrapped both her arms around the one she was holding and tried to pull him down with all her weight

As she did she managed to trip him up a bit and he fell backwards, landing in an awkward position on the hard floor.

He winced and then sat up, trying to pull his arm away but he couldn't. He let out an exasperated sigh but was still grinning.

"Wow...du bist something else Abby" he said, his tone still very quiet.

She offered him a hand to get up and tried to hide her blush. She liked it when he complimented her.

"You weren't an easy target though, I thought you'd cut me some slack tall guy" she laughed.

"You'd think I would give a cute girl like you a pass," he replied with a playful smirk and a raised brow. Now she was obviously blushing.

When she offered him her hand he took it, pulling himself up quite easily. As he did they stood close to each other. Their eyes locked and their faces turned bright red, and they stood like that for a second longer than they should.

She did not want to let go of his hand but had to pull away, the other people on the grounds would surely notice.

"So, I offered you dinner if I lost. Obviously I'm the winner here, what do I get now?" She asked in a whisper so the others wouldn't hear.

Once she pulled away a smile spread across his face and his mind was racing. What just happened?

As he started to recover he chuckled and replied, "Oh um, well I'm surprised by the Kompliment so uh..."

He took a few seconds to think and then put on a small smicker.

"Why don't we skip ahead and I'll take you to dinner regardless?" he said quickly, his tone still soft.

She nodded, trying to cover her excitement

"Just give me the chance to change, how about you pick me up at 8?"

"Deal!" he replied quickly.

His heart was racing and the smile spread across his face. He had never felt like this before. As he started to leave he turned around and, without warning, he leaned in and gave her a light kiss on the cheek then retreated back.

"I'll see you at 8," he said with a low voice as he left the room, his face more red than before.

❀ A bouquet of daisies ❀ König x OC x GhostWhere stories live. Discover now