The sketch

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Abby didn't want to be nosy but the voices startled her. She jumped up and into the shirt König had left on the floor to cover herself.

König couldn't come up with a reply as the men looked at him with a stern look.

"We've been ordered to take you in" said the other man, his voice cold.

König was stunned by the situation and didn't know what to think or say. How did they know he was here? Why would they recognise him without the balaclava? He tried to control his breath and his nose twitched lightly as he smelled some lavender that Abby had hung by the door. It distracted him well enough to collect himself.

Abby was curious and had no idea what was going on. The more she thought about it the more anxious she got, the thought of being caught was unbearable after this, together.

Finally König found his voice. "Ordered by whom?" he asked, trying to stay calm.

Abby's heart was pounding. She was watching the scene from around the corner, a mirror she placed tactically. Another item she had placed in her place already but this wasn't purely decorative. She saw the tall man fumble with his fingers and knew that he was unsure on how to deal with the situation. Uncertain on whether she should intervene, she squinted her eyes at the unfamiliar faces. The men looked very official but she didn't recognise them. Only then she relaxed her hand. Small curves embedded in her skin, she didn't realise how much she tensed up.

"Ordered by the Task Force we work for, you're coming with us now, we don't have time to explain," the second man replied firmly.

König didn't know how to respond. Part of him was tempted to go with them just to find out what was really happening. But he couldn't just leave Abby in this situation, if something happened... he didn't know what these men were capable of and did not want to imagine. They were far from being official but he didn't want her to go harms way.

Abby emerged from the door and stood by König's side. His head snapped towards her, in part because he was happy to see her by his side but also because he was upset she got involved in his affairs. This wasn't her place. Or was it? They were in her apartment afterall.

One of the men lifted his eyebrow. "And you are?"

Oh shit, she hasn't thought this far She gave König a look that said "play along!" which had him clenching his jaw. He didn't like the uncertainty of this plan.

"I am his fiancée, and as his fiancée aren't I allowed to find out what is happening to him? You can't just take him without talking to me too!" Her voice was obviously overconfident and a little too loud and unnatural.

König's eyes narrowed as her idea made sense to him. He looked at Abby from the corner of his eyes, he had to hide a grin at the thought and she had to make sure she played her part properly.

"She is right, she is my fiancée," he said calmly, acting as if he wasn't freaking out. "I can't just leave." He took her hand and physically felt his pulse slow.

The two men looked at each other before looking back.

"Can you prove that, Miss?"

In a quick thought she pulled out the drawing she had given König earlier that he had put into his shirts pocket.

"See? This would've taken some time to draw, wouldn't it? Why would a simple one night stand take the time? Now if you allow me, where are you taking him?" She tried to stand tall to these men who were at least a head taller than her each. They were sceptical but her attitude came on strong. They bought it.

König was surprised when she showed them the drawing. He had completely forgotten about that. He didn't expect her to be a quick thinker like this.

The men looked at the drawing and exchanged looks again.

"Fine, fine, Miss," said the first man sounding slightly irritated. "We'll take you along." It didn't sound like they had any doubts about it but were rather annoyed by the drama Abby was starting to cause. The shorter man kept looking left to right. König's eyes wandered down his chest and he did have a nametag. Why would he be so nervous if this was an official matter?

Abby's mind was going a mile a minute. She couldn't believe this was happening. She had to find out what this was all about, if there was any chance of going with them to talk to the person in charge. Maybe her brother would be there. He would scold her for not keeping it low but she wouldn't mind a familiar face.

She gave them a nod, pretending to be stern as she kept her head more elevated than usually with her skin pointing up. Then she looked at König and she could see that he was just as confused as she was but she was adamant, she wouldn't be separated from him now.

With a tilt of his head the taller man gestured that it was time to leave. Abby retreated into her apartment and came back with a pair of trousers and threw the shirt she was wearing at König before they left. A slightly sheer blouse was covering her tanned skin. It was the first item that she grabbed from her suitcase. Not fitting the occasion but it did it's job. Mostly – she knew that König had shot low neckline a look.

As the door closed behind them, she took his hand. It felt right.

Abby's hand felt wonderful to his touch and he felt a little lightheaded. It had been a while since he felt this way towards someone else and it was incredible. He couldn't wait to talk to her about it afterwards. They had a lot to talk about anyway, starting with her function at the base. He was rather sure now she wasn't a soldier.

Nevertheless, this situation left him unsettled. He didn't know who these men were and why they came looking for him specifically. At Abby's apartment? This means they had watched him. He looked down to the girl holding his hand and couldn't help but wonder who she was. He was happy to have her here, that was no secret, yet it felt strange to have her involved in his situations this soon after meeting her.

They fell behind the guy leading them. The other man, whose suit was just a tint darker than his "friend"'s, kept about a metre distance behind them. A courtesy but König knew this was to prevent their escape. 

"Abby," König started. Her hand was clawing into his slightly. "Do you really want to komm?" Concern showed in little wrinkles at his eye's corners but Abby gave him a nod. He knew there was no point in discussion and he did not want to blow their cover so he dropped it.

Immediately after he put on the shirt and trousers while they were waiting he took her hand back into his tightly. He pulled her close to him as they went downstairs. He felt as if he would be responsible if something were to happen. He had to avoid it at all cost.

All of this happened so quickly, Abby couldn't even register the direction they were walking. But they took both of them out of the base. Trying to find orientation in her tracks she opened her mouth "Now, where are you taking us?"


22 reads. That's a whole class of people! I am beyond honoured that you guys are spending your time reading my story! Guess where they are taking the newfound couple?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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