Chapter 5

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Word count:954

Free Sirius AU

Sirius never dies AU 


~Sirius P.O.V.~

As we walk back to the Leaky Cauldron together, Hermione's arm wrapped around Harry's shoulders, I start to think about all the possibilities that could have caused him to react so badly to me shaking him, lightly, at that. I think I should get Remus to come, he should know what to do. He always helped me when I had panic attacks back when we went to Hogwarts together. I could never remember what exactly he did to help me though, I was too scared to think when it happened. We soon reach the Leaky Cauldron, and we climb the stairs to my room that I've been "renting". I kind of live here now-

Anyways, as soon as we get to my room, I send Hedwig, she had followed Harry here, to go and find Moony. He'll know exactly what to do. He always does. He's smart like that, I'm not.


~Remus P.O.V.~

As I'm sitting down at my desk, thinking about Sirius, I hear a tapping noise on my window. When I turn around, I see Harry's owl sitting on my windowsill. I get up to open the window for her, and she flies in through the window to perch on my chair. She does that every-time I get letters from Harry, though I haven't gotten a letter in a while...

Now that I think about it, that's very concerning.

I notice the letter Hedwig is carrying, and I untie it from her leg. It's from Sirius. I wonder what happened. I open the letter and start to read:

Dear Moony,

Ummm, how do I explain this-

You know what, just come meet me at the Leaky Cauldron, it's very important. Something happened with Harry. I'll explain when you get here.


What happened to Harry? If it's so important that Sirius wants to talk in person, it must be bad. I decide to head there straight-away, not even bothering to close the door behind me.


~Harry P.O.V.~

Great, I just HAD to have a panic attack, in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET!


Now both Sirius and Hermione probably hate me. This is why I never tell anyone anything.

"Hey, Harry? Can I see that letter you mentioned?"

Oh yeah, the letter. I completely forgot about that.

"Y-yeah, s-sure."

I reach into my pocket and grab the letter, handing it to Sirius. Hermione goes to read the letter from over his shoulder. I see both of their eyes widen as they read the letter, as I expected them to.

"Wait, you're not supposed to be living with the Dursley's?!" they shout in unison.

"No, and I only found out a few days ago..."

They exchange a glance.

"You know what, we'll deal with this later. Remus is on his way. He should be here any minute now."

"Professor Lupin is coming?" I ask, shocked.

"Yes, he is." says Sirius, calmly, as if it happens everyday.

Hermione just nods.

Then, as if someone had used an Accio spell, Professor Lupin appeared in the doorway. He looked as if he hadn't brushed his hair in days. It was a tangled mess, though mine isn't any better.

"I got here as fast as I could."

Sirius gives him a look, one I can't understand. Professor Lupin seems to understand though, as he opens the door and steps into the hallway, quickly followed by Sirius. I hear them talking for a few minutes, and then they both step back inside the room.

"Harry, Sirius told me what happened."

"Ah, crap, now they're all going to think I'm weak!" I mutter quietly under my breath.

"Harry, I heard that. None of us think that you're weak."

I forgot he has sensitive hearing, due to being a werewolf.

"Harry, do you want to talk about it?" he asks, coming to sit down next to me on the floor next to the bed, "We don't have to if you don't want to, though."

Suddenly, before I even know what I'm doing, I hug him. Then I feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I can't cry now, I think, he'll think I'm a wimp! I expect him to push me away, to shout at me for touching him, but no, he just sits there and holds me as I cry into his shoulder. I feel him start to rub circles on my back, and I feel myself calm down a little. I feel tired, all of a sudden. He starts to hum, and I feel myself falling asleep. Then, next thing I know, I'm asleep, being held by my professor, after crying on his shoulder. I haven't felt this safe in a long time. It feels nice to be able to finally sleep, I just hope I don't get nightmares this time, and wake up screaming like I usually do...


~Remus P.O.V.~

I feel Harry slowly drift off to sleep in my arms. Good, he looks as if he hasn't slept in days. Sirius and Hermione look at me, surprised at how fast Harry calmed down with me holding him. I stare back at them.

"What?" I ask.

"H-he j-just fell asleep? Just like that?!" Sirius says, clearly stunned.

"I guess so, but he looked like he needed it..."

"Do you want us to help you put him on the bed?" 

It's Hermione this time

"Nah, I don't want to wake him up... plus, I'm quite comfortable sitting like this."

Sirius and Hermione just nod.

Then, out of nowhere, Sirius comes and sits down to my left, and lays on me, snuggling into my side. After a while he turns into his Animagus form, a shaggy black dog, and lays his head in my lap. I simply smile, and soon Hermione joins in the pile, sitting next to Harry. Soon enough, we all fall asleep.



Hey readers! I was blessed with motivation today, thank goodness, so here is a longer chapter for y'all! I hope you guys had as much fun reading this as I had writing it.

Also, shoutout to @AuroraKivi, she is an awesome person, and the main reason I started writing this! If you're reading this, bestie, just know that I send you my (platonic) bestie love <3

Go check her out, she has some amazing stories!

See you next time,


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