Chapter 13

696 22 18

Word count:626

Hinny friendship

Therapist Snape


~Snape P.O.V.~

I'm sitting in my office, grading papers, when Minerva walks in.

"Can I help you?"

"I need to talk to you. It's about Harry."

"What about Potter?"

She pauses for a moment, and I notice how pale she is. Did Potter do this? Ugh, he's just like his arrogant father.

"Well, something very concerning happened during the last few weeks of this summer, or so Miss Granger told me."

"What happened?"

"I'll just get straight to the point. Harry has been very stressed lately, and it has caused him to have panic attacks..."

"What?! Why would he be stressed, he has the perfect life!"

"Severus, calm down. Although it may seem as though he has the perfect, happy life you think he does, it's much worse than you think."

I take a deep breath.


"The first time he had a panic attack was in Diagon Alley where he was meeting with Sirius. Sirius told me that Harry had zoned out, so he shook him lightly, and Harry got very scared. He seemed to think that Sirius was going to hit him for zoning out."

"Why would he think that? Sirius has never laid a hand on him!"

"We, meaning me, Hermione, Draco, Sirius, and Remus, think Harry is-is," she says her voice quaking, eyes welling up with tears. "We think the Dursley's are h-hurting him."

I stand up and stare at her, shocked by this news.

"I swear those Muggles!"

"The reason I came to talk to you is to ask you if you would talk to him, as I understand you have the most experience in these kinds of situations, considering the amount of Slytherin's that were in similar situations."

"Potter doesn't like me, he would never talk to me willingly. I think he would rather kiss Draco than talk to me."

"We'll have to see. He will be in classes on Monday, but you are not to give him homework, he's stressed enough already."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do."

With that, I walk over to the door, opening it, and walk down the corridor, black cape billowing behind me, to go find Harry.


~Harry P.O.V.~

As me and my friends walk across the grounds, I see Professor Snape walking towards us.

"Is that Snape?! Why is he out here?!" Ron asks.

"Maybe he wants to tan, he's pale as a vampire right now." I say, stifling a laugh.

Hermione looks at me, aghast, but the others burst out laughing. We stop walking, and Ron and Ginny double over in a fit of laughter.

"W-wow Harry! That was b-bloody brilliant!" Ron says, trying to stop laughing long enough to talk. "Pale as a vampire!"

"We-we n-need to tell Fred and George that one!" Ginny says, clutching her stomach.

"Did someone-"

"-say our names?"

Neville and I jump, turning around.

"When did you get here?!" I ask.

"Just now." George says, smirking.

"We wanted to join the fun!" Fred says, throwing his hands in the air.

"Well you don't need to scare us like that!"

"Sorry about that, Harry."

"It's fine, just don't do it again."

"Why's Snape here?"

I almost forgot about Snape. He's awfully close to our group, only a few feet away. Hermione turns to greet him, but gets cut off almost immediately.

"Potter, Granger, and Draco, if you would follow me please."

"Are we in trouble?" I say, biting my fingernail. I really need to stop doing that.

"No, you're not in trouble. I simply wish to talk with you three."



Hey y'all! Sorry the chapter is so short, I was celebrating my brother's birthday! I promise the next chapter will be longer, which I will hopefully get out by Friday. 

Have a great day/night, and I hope to see you soon,


Question of the day: If you could be fluent in any language in the world, what would it be, and why?

I would want to be fluent in Spanish, since my dad's side of the family is Hispanic.

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