Elijah sees his family for the first time

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Jace, Archer, and Elijah wait for the nightfall to sneak away to take Elijah to see his mom and dad and his baby sister. It will be the first time in a long time remember Elijah was just a young boy when he was left behind and pulled away from his family. To him it is a dream come true you can't wait to see his mom and dad and baby sister. Nightfalls and the three meet up in Jace's room and Jace leads them out of the castle beyond the walls and into the forest opening. Jace helps each of them out Elijah doesn't understand why Jace is helping the demon race. The three stand under the moonlight, Jace's form shows, Elijah looks at the boys standing in front of him. He knew Jace wasn't like all the same kind of elf like his father and brother.

Jace's Pov:

"Elijah I have been awaiting for the day I could reunite you with your family once again and I am glad to night is the night" I say and the boy smiles. I lead them to the cabin that they have been living in for years unknown to anyone in this forest. We get there an I knock "Mr and Mrs Fredrick it is me Jace I have Archer and your son please let us in" the door opens and I let them go in before me. I looked to make sure we were safe and I shut the door. "Mr and Mrs Fredrick I know it's been years since you last saw your son and I am so glad to reunite you with him" I say and softly push Elijah to them. I couldn't help but feel my heart feels for them I turned and walked away leaving him with his family and Archer there as well. I walked outside because the emotions of theirs overflowed to me I knew how they must have felt for I have no memory of my mother.

Elijah's pov:

Jace had took me to see my parents with Archer, I thought he was lying that my family was still alive until I entered the cabin and saw them for myself. I started crying as they both hugged me Jace had kept his word to them that they would see me again. I reached for Archer she had to join into the hug that's when I heard a baby cry. Archer had went and got my baby sister "Here Eli this is your baby sister" Archer says and I slowly reach out to hold her. "S-she looks like you momma" I say and my mother smiled and that is when I realized that Jace was no longer in the cabin. "Archer were did the prince go" I asked and Archer looked around and I felt off cause I knew Jace was lonely. "A-Archer go find him please he shouldn't be alone" I say and she nods and walks out the door. I held my sister close and talked with my mom and dad.

Archer's Pov:

I knew Jace would keep his word because that is just who he is, I liked how Eli finally had a smile on his face. I didn't realize that Jace had left but veli saw he wasn't in the cabin anymore and sent me to go find him. I walked out of the cabin to start looking for him "Jace my prince where are you" I called out. I saw a beautiful lady but she wasn't alive, she lead me to Jace, when I saw him she disappeared. 'who was she' I thought to myself as I approached Jace. "Jace my prince are you alright" I asked, he turned to face me his eyes full of tears.

"J-Jace are you crying" I say and the prince collapsed to his knees. "J-JACE" I yell and his body laid on the ground the lady appeared again and said. "This is my son who I love with all my heart be gentle with his heart for he knows not who he is" she looks at me. "What do you mean he knows not who he is" I asked and she looks at him. "He is not just a(n) Elf, his soul has not fully awaken yet, can't you feel a small connection to his soul" she says and disappears again before I can say another word. 'what does she mean not just a(n) Elf' I think to myself and softly I pick him up and started to walk back to the cabin.

Archer was confused because the words the lady said doesn't make any sense to her. When she got back the Fredrick's were at the door awaiting them. "W-what happened is the price alright" Elijah asked and Archer nods "I think he just needed to rest, we should head back to the castle before sun up" Archer says. Elijah nods and kisses his family  goodbye the two walked back, Archer still holding Jace in her arms. They got back to the castle with out being seen, they put Jace in his bed and shut the door. Archer knew that something was going to happen soon because the words the lady said echoed in her head. "His soul has not fully awaken yet" she wonders what that meant.

Archer and Elijah walked back to their location in the castle, they said their good nights. Archer entered her room and shuts the door, she plopped on her bed and slowly falls asleep. Sadly all of Archer's fears and dreams will come true about the young prince. For he will soon fully awaken his true nature within himself. Her only hope is that he will be alright when he does. Deep down she knows that she cares for the young prince more than she thinks she does.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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