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Destruction. Terror. Flames everywhere, people running for their lives. All the superheroes look at the site in shock. Never has the villain caused so much damage to the city. Most of the time there was a target, and they went straight to them without damaging much of the city, unless the target was everyone in the city. But it seems as though the whole city was the target. Buildings and people were attacked the same, and fire spread everywhere, filling the air with smoke and making it hard to breathe. And yet, they haven't seen the villain causing all of this destruction. The destructions come in at random times in different places without the pattern. And no one was seen during the attacks except innocent civilians. The only information that was to be found was that there always seemed to be ribbons left at the site of the broken buildings.

Weirdly, they have also yet to see the leader of the group, the most vital person in the group. Ladybug. It wasn't unusual for her to be a few minutes late most likely because of personal reasons, but she always came eventually, usually at the first sight of a building crashing or people about to be hurt. But lately, she has been late multiple times and her eyes were always red with tears. Her companions couldn't ask questions because of her secret identity, but they have always tried their best to cheer her up, with no success. The last time they saw her, her eyes were no longer red but a dead look entered her eyes. This concerned Cat greatly and he often pulled her aside to ask her what was wrong. She brushed him off, saying nothing was wrong and even if there was something wrong she couldn't tell him because it would jeopardize her secret identity.

And now, she has seemed to have disappeared. No sign of her and nearly half of the city was destroyed. The team grew impatient and nervous. Confused and concerned, Chat tried to contact her multiple times without avail. It would seem as though she left without a trace. Most of the group talked among themselves, freaking out because Ladybug was the only one able to un-evilise the akuma. All, except for one. Rena looked unsurprised with a slightly sour face. She told Carapace she might know a way to find Ladybug with the miraculous, but she needed to be alone and in a private area. Carapace knowing nothing about the miraculous, agreed and promised to tell the group what she was doing so they wouldn't get even more freaked out. She thanked him and left. Nino wasn't entirely sure about the whole idea, but he trusted his girlfriend.

Rena transformed to show Alya, still with the same expression as she fed Trixx, changed to uncertainty and doubt. She seemed as though multiple thoughts were in her head, fighting against different ideas. She sighed, clearing her indecisive thoughts. Trixx noticed her expression and asked,

"I know that you aren't friends with Marinette anymore, but shouldn't you have at least listened to her side of the story before making that decision?"

"Trixx, whatever lies she had to say about Lila wasn't of any importance. The evidence against her is overwhelming and there's just simply no chance that Marinette was innocent in any of this. Lila would have to be psycho to do all of this for no reason because she never seemed to dislike Marinette. Marinette disliked her from the start because she got close to Adrien, and Adrien agreed with her every word. The poor guy thought because she was his "friend" he had to agree with everything she said."

"But Marinette isn't the type of person to do that."

"I thought she wasn't...I don't know. I shouldn't have told her that we weren't friends anymore in such a harsh way... I just needed to process all of it and she was just talking bad about Lila, I totally snapped. I do have to apologize for that...But not right now, Paris needs saving."

And with that, she rushed into her friend's house, which happened to also be the best bakery in Paris. She nodded her head to Marinette's parents, Tom and Sabine. They looked at her grimly but continued to handle their customers. Confused at first, Alya glanced at them before realizing they heard her and Marinette's conversation because they were practically yelling at each other during the heated argument. She looked down in shame and continued to walk up the stairs, expecting to see Marinette upset or enraged in bed or in her chair on the computer, but the room was...empty. But it didn't make any sense, Marinette's parents didn't say anything about her going out. And if she was out wouldn't she see the total destruction and chaos? She looked around the room to see Marinette's earrings. Shocked, Alya quickly put the earrings on to talk to Tikki, the kwami of the ladybug miraculous.

"Tikki? Why doesn't Marinette have your earrings? Where is she? Why...why are you crying?"

"Alya...Marinette is..she got..."

"Tikki your not making any sense."

Tikki looked to the floor, tears filling her blue eyes as she screamed,

"Marinette is akumatized!"

Princess Justice - A Miraculous Ladybug FanficWhere stories live. Discover now