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The moonlight peeked through the windows as Sombra stepped quietly through the hallways of the research lab, a curious but excited look on her face. She had learned about this lab, a secret facility for new technology related to controlling civilians.

That sort of information could be useful, especially to a master hacker like herself. So here she was, sneaking through the hallways, looking for the server room to learn everything she could about this technology.

There was a local scientist working in the lab. Seems to be around 3-4 years older than her, and surprisingly well built for a man who wastes about a week in the labs. This was Marco, one of the senior scientists in the labs, and it seems like he was about to leave for work, that was until he saw Sombra, and blinked a bit before realizing what was aboutta happen.

The lab was about to be stolen from, and he was the only person on line for defense. He'd cautiously check out for his shift, before slowly approaching Sombra, "ma'am. I'm gonna need an ID, please." He'd calmly ask, trying to catch the woman's attention.

Sombra stopped dead in her tracks as she heard Marco speak. She hadn't expected anyone else to be in the office, especially this late. It was sloppy work on her end, but one she'd need to take care of. She rushed Marco, seeking to knock him out before continuing to get the information she was after.

Marco was quick enough to pull out what seems to be a hypnotic ray gun from the back of his coat and quickly fired blank point in front of Sombra. The male quickly made sure to do a second to strengthen the effects.

The laser that would hit the woman was some sort of mix of mindless obedience, and some sort of cleansing of emotions to the mind, seeming to be used to create easy slaves within seconds of being shot. "Should've stood down." He'd mumble, looking down at Sombra.

Sombra tried to move out of the way of the ray once she saw the gun, but it was to late. The beam hit her in the face, causing her to blank momentarily in a sea of mindless obedience. But she was starting to struggle against its effects, body twitching a little without any commands.

Marco sighed din relief as he lowered his gun before looking at Sombra. He admired her figure despite the clunky tech on her. He didn't like some of that tech she had, since it wasn't his, and Marco was an egotistical narcissist.

He'd then speak, "stand at attention and state your name, occupation and affiliation. Along with your purpose for arriving here." He'd state, before circling around and feeling up her body to see what she could be hiding within that clothing, especially around her breasts and her hips.

Sombra stood at attention as commanded, though Marco would notice her straining to resist a little. "Olivia Colomar, Hacker, Talon. I'm here to find out information on the new technology you're working on." Sombra said. The hacker's full name was a prize few could resist, especially if it came with her body as a plaything. Her boobs were a modest C cup, but her fat Latina ass was definitely worth talking about.

Marco took note of this strained movement and pulled out his ray gun, cocking it before firing directly onto Sombra's forehead. "I should really make it just a one-shot control weapon..Bloody hell, took me three shots to get a hold of this woman."

He'd then eye fuck her from top to bottom as she spoke before crossing his arms and replying, "alright then. You are now a hacker under my command. You'll continue your work in both Hyphen (the company that Marco works for) and Talon. You'll not only become a hacker for both parties, predominantly Hyphen, you'll be our insider with Talon's operations and recruits, understand? You will also become Hyphen's new sex slave, therefore you are required to wear a revealing uniform every time you attend to report and service to me, understand?" He'd ask, spanking her ass a bit to get her wet despite her emotions being little to non-existent.

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