14 | Hate Me

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"How do I look?" Bella asks Evie the walking into her work room

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"How do I look?" Bella asks Evie the walking into her work room.

"Beautiful as always, why?" Evie asks.

"Harry wants me to meet his dad and sisters today and I'm nervous." Bella paces around.

"I was gonna say wear something I made you in the past to fit in over there but that's not who you are. You're for here not there." Evie watches her. "Hey, we know Hook likes you because he let Harry give you his ring." She adds.

"Yeah, but the way Uma has described his sisters..."

"B, you will be fine. You're super likable." Pope vie tries to calm her down.

"Bella, Harry is here!" Jay shouts to her.

Bella makes her way outside to see Harry on his bike her father bought for him, "Look at you, precious." He kisses her cheek as she walks up to him.

"Let's just get going." She hops on the bike putting on her helmet.

When they get the Isle and Harry parks his bike, Bella doesn't move. "You're nervous?" Harry looks at her.

"Duh, I'm scared of your sisters. The way Uma described them to me."

Harry grabs her face so she'll calm down, "If they even try to be rude to my princess, they'll be sorry because our dad doesn't put up with us fighting." He kisses her forehead. "Now, come on. My father is waiting to meet you face to face." He smiles taking her hand.

As they walk inside, Harry calls out to his family so his father comes around, "Princess Isabella." Hook smiles.

"Please just Bella. It's nice to meet you." Bella puts out her hands.

"No, it's nice to meet you. I'm still surprised you fell for my son." Hook laughs taking her hand, "Never thought he'd end up with the Princess of Auradon."

"I thought he'd end up alone." One of his sisters walk over.

"Very funny. Izzy, this is my old sister, Harriet. She's very sassy." Harry introduces them.

"Hello." Bella gives her a smile.

"So what did you see in my little brother?" Harriet eyes Harry.

Bella looks at Harry, "Honestly, I don't know. There's was just something that hooked me." She laughs.

"Now that's very funny, not." His other sister shows up.

"CJ." Hook glares at his youngest daughter, "Sorry for her. She's the rudest one out of the three." Hook tells Bella.

CJ just rolls her eyes, "They won't last long hate to say it." She walks off making Bella want to leave so badly feeling embarrassed.

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