13 | Break It

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Soon Mal comes running to them begging Uma to help her because her and Ben saw something in Uma. "You talk pretty, but... she's already made up her mind." Harry tells Mal.

"You brought this on yourself, Mal. You figure out how to fix it. Let's go." Uma tells Harry.

"I can't help. I'm sorry, Mal. I'm just a princess." Bella follows the two. As they all walk they stop seeing Mal turned into a dragon so Bella ran back and they follow her.

"She doesn't stand a chance without the ember." Uma looks up.

"Uma, you're gonna have to do the right thing." Bella takes off running.

"I hate how fast she is for a princess." Harry groans following her.

"We're stronger together! I'm right here, Mal!" Uma shouts up at her. "Regain your might and ignite. I'm right here, girl. Regain your might and ignite!" Mal gets the ember to work again so they cheer for her.

After Mal stops Audrey, Mal tells Ben they need Hades to help Audrey get better so when he sends the guards to go get him the others were wanting to head back home. Bella stands with Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celia while they wait for their ride to take them back to the Isle.

"Oh, a gift for you." Bella steps in front of Harry to put her necklace on him, "To remember me while you're stuck at home wishing to bug me." She smiles rewording what he told her.


"Hey, it's fair. You gave me a gift. I give you a gift. Except, I can't say till next time like you told me." She sighs, "I'm sorry for how things turned out." She tells the whole group.

"It's not your fault. And I know you are different because you were nice to us when we held brother as a hostage." Uma gives her a hug.

"Bye, Bee. I'll miss you and the fresh free fruit." Gil makes her laugh.

"I bet. I promise to make sure Dizzy and the twins are great here, Celia." Bella tells her as she gets in the car.

Harry was last in line to get into the car so he hugs Bella, "I'm never out of sight." He whispers into her ear. They look into each other's eyes slowly leaning in but get interrupted.

"Princess, the King would like to see you."

"Goodbye," Bella leaves watching Harry get into the car. "You needed me?" She asks Ben.

"I know you're upset." He starts.

"No kidding, Ben. I never get to see three new friends. I don't get to see..." Her voice cracks, "They're your people too and you're turning your back on them. People can't live in fear their whole life because people stuck on the Isle want out for a better life." Bella tells him as Mal listen to her outside the door.


"Don't Bella me, please. I'm not in the mood." Bella heads for the door.

"You're mostly upset because of Harry." Ben makes her face him.

"So what if that's one of the reasons? I can't have feelings for a villain but you can marry one?" She tells him before walking out ignoring Mal to go to her room.

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