12 | Getting Along

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Everyone celebrates for a second together till they remember they hate each other. Evie tries an ice breaker but nothing works.

"All right, where does this cheerleader bunk down? I Ben if she's not there, we might find some sort of clue." Uma speaks up.

"Actually, she's still in the dorms."

"You're right. Because of summer school." Mal tells Evie.

"What? Summer school? Summer school! No wonder she wants revenge." Harry laughs.

"Yeah, that's far off from her reason. How about the me and the guys go look for Ben while you girls look at Audrey's room? We meet back at Evie's in two hours." Bella tells the group.

"Sounds like we're going with my plan. I'm just saying." Uma adds.

"Yes, and it was good but I wanted to see if Ben was okay first. So let's just get going." Bella claps her hands. "Dude, why don't you use that nose of yours to track Ben?" Bella looks down at him.

"I'll try." He takes the lead so they follow him into the woods.

"So why did you stop coming over?" Harry asks walk by her side.

"I got banned from doing so because they didn't want me near you." She tells him.

"Gil was there as well." He looks over at him eating off a bush.

"Yeah, but you kidnapped my brother not Gil. Plus you are Uma's first mate." She laughs looking over at Jay and Gil getting along.

"I missed ya, princess." Harry nudges her so she looks at him.

"Missed you too, pirate." She walks off a bit while he laughs at Jay for playing Tourney.

"P.s, your mutt went that way." Harry tells Carlos as Dude calls out for him and Bella.

Walking more into the trees they keep calling out to Ben till a beast pops of trying to get them, "Ben?" Bella looks at him so Harry pulls her out of the way.

"I thought I recognize those pants." Jay says.

"The pants gave him away, really?" Bella huffs.

"Oh, he's got a boo-boo. That's why he's so cranky. You know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all." Gil adds.

"Well, you dad shot at our dad so." Bella adds going over to Ben.

"Careful." Carlos tells her.

"It's my brother." She gets closer to him. "Ben, it's okay. It's just your sister." Ben claws towards her, "Benjamin Florian Beast! Let me see your hand/paw right now." She tells him so he puts it out to her to pull the big splinter out.

Jane shows up spraying Ben with enchanted lake water turning him slightly back to normal. "Jay, help me with him." He helps her walk him for him to sit down.

Jay points out Ben still has facial hair and pointy teeth making them laugh. "You need another blast." Jane sprays him but nothing else happens.

"I'm sure it can't undo the whole spell since the scepter is powerful. So that means we need to go to Mal and the girls." Bella tells Jane and Ben.

"The Beauty seems to be right." Harry puts an arm around her shoulder.

"Hold on." Ben stands up, "Who's side are they on?" He eyes Harry and Gil.

"They escaped and joined us. And Mal has the ember which is our only hope to stop Audrey. Details to follow." Jay tells him.

"Hades' ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?"

"He said details to follow. We're meeting up with Mal, Evie, and Uma so let's go." Bella takes the lead.

"Uma?" Ben say.

"Details to follow!" Everyone tells him.

Back at Evie's everyone was glad to see each other again. "You did well taming, ya beast of a brother." Harry stands next to Bella as Ben and Mal hug.

Bella can't help but laugh, "It runs in my blood." She smiles, "Why do you think it's so easy with you?" She sends him a wink making him smirk.

While Doug, Jane, and Gil go to looks for Fairy godmother, the rest go to the fairy cottage to look for Audrey. Just all they find there is Chad locked in a closet.

"I want my mommy." He says as the door opens in shock.

"What happened buddy?" Ben helps him stand up and Chad looks around.

"Hmm. Ben. Ben! She's gone? Huh? The door is open. I'm free. Freedom! Oh! Freedom!" Chad runs out causing Harry to laugh.

"She must have really scared him." Bella heads out with everyone.

"Ooh. All right. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already. What do you say girls? Time to wrap this up." Uma laughs.

"You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Ben tells them.

"Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over." Evie said making Ben look at her.

"I have to tell you guys something. Umm... I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle." Mal steps forward to face them.

"What do you mean?" Jay asks.

"The program is shut down and the barrier will be closed for good." Mal explains.

"For Auradon's safety." Ben adds.

"Four out of six people were for it but then it turned to five." Bella speaks up so they look at her, "My vote and reasons didn't matter sadly."

"So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie. I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You're always out for yourself." Uma walks to Mal.

"And you, King Benny, you're probably going to throw us all back inside. Your sister is the real one who cares about us. I hear her tell Uma it was her idea in the first place to invite VK's over." Harry walks over to Ben.

"You know what. I actually thought you were brave. You're nothing but a chicken. Too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again." Celia walks towards Mal taking the ember throwing it in the bird bath.

Everyone just stares at Mal panicking about it no longer working, "Let's go find Gil and leave them all to rot." Uma takes off with Harry, "Bella, mind having idea where they went to look?" Uma turns around.

"Umm, yeah." Bella rushes to lead them away.

While the three walk in silence, Uma speaks up, "Why didn't you tell us Mal was lying?"

"Not my place. I told her for lying to Evie she'll have to deal with the consequences. Plus I wasn't the one who's idea it was to close it. I told her she promised the kids they could go see their families. And that meant Evie, Carlos, and Jay can't see their parents either." Bella stops walking to face them, "I also added that they think just villains are evil. That there are plenty of people here that could be evil if they have a good enough reason. Example Audrey and I was right." She adds, "And when Ben got noticed about the scepter and crown was taken my father said your name and I stood up for you."

"I believe her, Uma." Harry speaks up, "She came over a quite a lot to get kids to sign up for the program when she came over to get closer to Gil and I."

"I don't want that barrier to close for good for so many reasons." She tells Uma then looks at Harry, "I just want to make that clear." Bella takes the lead again.

Uma looks at Harry as he watches Bella walk in front of them, "That family and who they fall for." Uma mumbles.

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