Impending Death Really Brings the Family Together

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          Lydia had barely taken a step into Cabin 12 before the comforting scent of cinnamon bombarded her senses. Hot cocoa with cinnamon had been one of the rare comforts her mother would provide her with during times of distress and the warmth it brought to Lydia matched that of a weighted blanket cocoon. Seeing three mugs sitting in the center of a makeshift fort of sheets tied between the three cabin bunks was certainly a welcome sight. The cabin was dimly lit with numerous strings of fairy lights and Lydia's brothers both looked up at her with matching dazzling smiles.

          "Welcome home, hero. Hot cocoa?" Pollux offered, voice light and soothing. Pollux had always been the sibling to leap at any chance to help the other two. He was the string that held them all together and Lydia had no doubt that this was his idea.

          Glancing at Castor, she was greeted with a nod of understanding despite his troubled look and the nervousness that rolled off of him. Lydia was confused, having been expecting a fight. "You guys aren't mad at me?"

         "We can be mad later. For now, our little sister is heading off on a dangerous quest and we are going to make the most of tonight to give her a solid send-off." Castor stepped forward, placing his hands on her shoulders.

          Maybe it was due to those reassuring words that held the small reminder of the impending doom Lydia felt or it was the safety of being with her brothers in their cabin, but all the emotions that rattled around within her came viciously pouring out. A sob broke through for the second time within the last forty-eight hours. Castor wrapped his arms around her tightly and held her into his chest, gently smoothing her hair down as she shook and clung to her big brother. Pollux stepped forward and joined the two, whispering reassuring words into her ear. Lydia was typically the sibling that held in her emotions, only letting them out in moody outbursts or snarky remarks. Even if she and her brothers could literally sense each other's emotions to a certain extent, Lydia had always had decent control and composure over what she let out. Everything changed once she woke up to learn that Annabeth disappeared. Now, she felt like her mind was collapsing with every emotion she felt. She felt like only a few things were holding her together and her brothers were two of those things.

          "I'm so sorry," Lydia miserably mumbled as she pulled away from the hug.

          "You don't have to be sorry," Pollux reassured, tears building in his own eyes. Castor nodded in agreement.

          "We know why you're going and we understand. We just want you to be safe out there."

          Lydia shook her head, averting her gaze from the twins. "I can't promise that. You heard it, Castor. There's a chance I won't make it back."

          This time it was Castor's turn to shake his head. "I don't believe that. I know you and I know you can make it. If you can survive wrecking into the Sea of Monsters and fighting more monsters than we can name, then you can survive whatever this quest has in store. We both believe in you so shut up, grab some hot cocoa, and enjoy this blanket fort we worked hard on."

          She figured that her brothers were in denial, but she honestly did not mind it. For now, she didn't want to think anymore about how she will likely die in the next few days. She just wanted to enjoy the night with her brothers for what may be the final time. Wiping her tears and flashing a similar smile back to the boys, she plopped down onto one of the many pillows that layered the cabin floor.

          "I don't think dad is ever going to forgive me," Lydia said as she took a sip of the cinnamon-filled hot cocoa. She kept her tone light and tried to give off an air of nonchalance to hide her sadness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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