The Arrival of the King of the Monsters

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The three kids were still in a state of shock after witnessing the falling comet. They were wondering where it came from, as the two siblings from the Water Tribe thought it belonged to the Fire Navy as a signal, causing them to mentally shiver at the thought.

All of them were silent until Aang spoke up.

"Guys... I think we should go check it out." The airbender replied, while the two siblings looked at him with shock.

"A-Are you crazy?! Did you see what just happened when that... thing fell from the skies and crashed into that place like it was nothing?!" Sokka asked while he gestured both of his hands towards the far distance where the comet crashed.

"I know that, but who knows? Maybe, at least, we can give it a try." Aang suggested.

Hearing this, Katara agreed, "Y-Yeah, I think I agree with him. I guess we should go there and find out what it is."

Sokka widened his eyes in total disbelief, "You've gotta be kidding me! Don't you think it's too dangerous?!"

"Come on, I think it's not bad if we only check it out! Besides, Appa and I can give a lift." Aang offered before he took a stance, and then, with his arms bent in different directions, he airbent himself to jump onto Appa.

Katara said happily, "We'd love a ride! Thanks!"

As the girl ran to the side of Appa, Sokka refused, "Oh no! I'm not getting on that fluffy snot monster!"

"Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and take us for a ride?" Katara asked while Aang helped the girl climb into the saddle before she pointed out, "You know, before you freeze to death?"

"Uh..." Sokka raised his finger in defiance, but he just stopped and sighed in defeat.

Both siblings were now on board at the back of the flying bison's saddle. One was full of excitement and anticipation, while the other had his arms crossed and a sulking expression plastered on his face.

Looking back, Aang told the siblings, "Okay, first-time flyers, hold on tight!"

Facing forward, the airbender looked down at Appa and excitedly shouted, "Appa, yip-yip!"

Then Aang snapped the reins while Appa let out a low growl. The bison walked over the edge of the ice before he raised his tail. And then, with a mighty jump, he splayed out his six legs, but he was stuck in the air for a moment before crashing into the icy waters, where the impact shot up huge waves. As the bison floated in the water, he started to swim.

Not wanting to disappoint his new friends, Aang tried to make Appa fly again, "Come on, Appa. Yip-yip!"

While Katara crawled on the saddle, Sokka complimented sarcastically, "Wow, that was truly amazing..."

Even though Katara shot her brother a glare, Aang defended the flying bison by saying, "Appa's just tired. A little rest and he'll be soaring through the sky. You'll see."

Then the boy gestured for his giant fluffy companion to take them towards the distance, "Hey, buddy! Think you can take us there where that comet, crashed?"

Appa let out a growl in response before he headed towards the location where the 'comet' landed.


Location: At the crash site

Meanwhile, at the site where the crash occurred, Godzilla groaned as he slowly began to stand. His body was aching all over, and he felt slightly singed, probably from his crash. When he opened his gold-colored eyes, he noticed that he's inside a large snowy crater, no doubt also caused by the crash.

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