Episode 14: Unreal Slaughter

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TW// Death and PTSD attacks

This episode is inspired by the BFDI AU Battle For Slaughter Island. Which is inspired by the Total Drama Island AU Total Slaughter Island.

The day after the off-day. The contestants walked out of their cabins. Awaiting the next challenge. But Vintage... Never came out. Confused. They eventually went back into their cabins. Razorblade however, noticed something. A file left on their doorstep titled "FOR RAZORBLADE, CB AND LAVENDER." They picked it up. Confused. Putting it in their hoodie pocket.

Later in the night. The contestants we're getting ready for bed. When mechanical whirring suddenly seemed to shake the east side of the island. Stocking heard it first. "You guys... Hear that?" Lipsticks voice was a little bit Shakey. Laced with worry. "Yeah... Anyone wanna... Check it out...?" No one came forward. They looked outside the window and saw CB going to investigate.

CB walked past the foliage to the beachside. The moon dipped perfectly into the ocean. Creating beautiful creases on the almost black waves. The stars dancing in the flection on the water. And in the distance CB could see a motor boat. Full speed in the opposite direction. CB looked closer. A cube shaped object with a hat... Vintage? CBs tail dropped anxiously as they walked back away.

CB walked over to each door asking them about it. And if they knew where he was off too. And where Cookie was. No one knew anything.

Eventually they went back into their Cabin. Lighter, Bottle and Cotton Candy were asleep. Chip was in a rocking chair working on some mechanical parts. CB walked up to them. "Have you seen Cookie?" Chip immediately paused. Looked over at CB. "What? What do you mean?" "I saw Vintage side away on a motor boat on the east side of the island. No sign of Cookie though. Hence why I'm asking." Chip stood up. Walking out the door "I'm going out to look for them." CB nodded. Sitting down on their bed. "Good luck."

CB had started to drift off to sleep. It was about 10PM now. Most objects were asleep. When suddenly a shriek awoke nearly everyone. Almost every contestant ran out of their cabins fanatically. CB was the first one out "CHIP!? CHIP WHERE ARE YOU!?" No response. CB was damn near shaking. Razorblade ran over. "CB!? What's wrong!?" CB glanced over "I-T-That was Chip! Their in danger!" Razorblade gulped. "O-Okay... We'll go out looking for them..." Flower ran over "Woah! Razorblade! We just heard screaming! Are you sure you want to risk your life out there?" Razorblade nodded. "Chip means a lot to CB. We have to try." Was all they said before walking away. Flower walked over to their cabin. Attempting to open the door. But it was... Locked...? Everyone was outside of the cabin... Who locked it!? They struggled at the door before nervously looking back to their team. "I- it's locked..." The other teams stared on in horror as they ran back to their cabins. Desperately trying to open the doors. But no one could. Flower looked over at Broom and Pillow nervously. Broom shot her a nervous smile "Let's... Uh... Go to Cookies Lab. It should be safe in there." Flower nodded. Following broom. All the other contestants went in their own directions too.

Odd Knife:
Odd Knife had immediately become lost. Milkshake flew away to someplace safe probably. So he was all alone in the woods. His legs shook with the weight of his body. He leaned up against a tree. His body sinking onto the ground. He curled his knees into his chest and let out a long whine. His eyes dashed around the forest. It was far too dark to see much other than what the tiny fireflies illuminated. He was terrified. Odd Knife had always dealt with paranoia. Especially as a Queer Inclusionist online. But being on an island with what could be a murderer? He slowly stood up. Leaning against a tree for support. When his heart stopped beating for a split moment at the sounds of leaves crunching as someone walked towards him from behind. He knew it was there. And he knew it knew he knew. The footsteps continued until it was right behind him. He was crying now. Hugging his sides refusing to turn around. He heard the deafening sound of a chainsaw whirring. Followed by a gruff voice he hadn't heard in his life. "Game over."

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