Episode 20: Lighter's Nightmare (Halloween Special!)

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Tw for extreme gore, death, suicide and horror elements.

A/N: This is a first attempt at writing horror. So please don't be too upset if it isn't perfect ^^ Also my objects DO have some type of blood. What it looks like is really up to reader interpretation!

Lighter had adjusted to the hotel well. And was now climbing into bed. He looked up at Cappy. Who was at her study. "Capster... Come to bed... It's late..." Cappy replied, tiredness lacing her voice. "Can't. I got too much paperwork to do." Lighter huffed "Come on... You look exhausted. Promise me you'll get to bed before midnight?" Cappy sighed. Turning back to Lighter. The moonlight glistened off her glasses in an oh-so beautiful and appealing way. "I promise." Lighter nodded. Laying down. His arms feeling bare as he drifted off to sleep.

He awoke to a loud CRASH. And jolted up. He looked at the clock. It read 12:00. He looked at Cappy's study to find it empty. Devoid of anyone. Even her lamp which she usually always had on was off. He sat up and looked around. Before standing up. He reached for his phone on the bedside drawer. But it was... Gone? He absolutely always placed it there before bed. He got up and walked out of the room. The lights in the hallway were off. And it was freezing. Something was horribly horribly wrong.

He walked towards the elevator and pressed the button. But the elevator never came. With a sigh he walked towards the stairs.

The stairs seemed to stretch on forever. By the time he made it to the lobby his legs were exhausted. He looked around. The lobby was also completely empty. No one in sight. And the Halloween decorations were all gone. He walked towards the kitchen where there was a free to use phone and punched in Cappy's number. Holding it to his ear he prayed to hear her voice pick up. But there was nothing. He sighed. Putting the phone back. He walked towards the doors. "I need to get out of here... something's wrong." But the door was locked. He pulled it with all his might. But it wouldn't budge. He sighed. Before stepping behind the desk "Maybe Cappy locked the door already... yeah... Wh- where are the keys...?" When he suddenly heard a terrifying wheezing sound. It was coming from the employees only back room. His whole body froze. Terrified at the mere thought of moving. But curiosity got the best of him. He opened the door to find a horrifying sight.

Stocking. The fabric around her bottom jaw was ripped out. Leaving a gaping hole of gore and blood. The wheezing was coming from her in a desperate attempt to breath. He was shaking. He slowly walked up to her "Stocking... Oh my god... What happened!? What's going on!? Where is everyone!?" Stockings body wash limp. But her eyes were pleading. Staring at him. Before darting behind him. He turned around. No one was there. But there was a flashlight and a key. The key led to the employees restroom. He turned around to thank her. But her eyes were glossed over. And the wheezing stopped. He didn't DARE cry. Not wanting to make even a peep as he carefully made his way out of the back room.

He walked to the employees bathroom on the 3rd floor. Twisting the knob and turning it. When he opened the door he immediately noticed something. One of the stall doors were closed a pair of feet inside. He carefully walked up to the door and opened it. His first thought not being privacy. But the fear of no one else being around.

However what he found was Bao. Blood seeping from the inside of their steaming. Their body was limp. Lighter stared at them. "...Bao...?" No response. He didn't dare to open the lid. Instead he took the key in their hand. It was the key to the roof. Which had been locked since the puppad incident.

Lighter walked up to the roof. Opening the door. The wind on his face felt like a blessing. He walked along the roof to the edge. Looking around. But he didn't see anything. Hr considered screaming for help. But what were the odds whoever had done this was still in the hotel? Immediately worry plastered his face. Was Cappy okay...? Suddenly a loud glitching sound caught his attention.

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