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In the cocoon of the chauffeur car, their passion intensified with each stolen kiss and whispered promise

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In the cocoon of the chauffeur car, their passion intensified with each stolen kiss and whispered promise. The atmosphere was charged with their desire, every touch sending electric shivers down their spines. Charles's fingers brushed along the delicate curve of Lexi's jaw, his lips leaving a trail of heated kisses along her skin. Her laughter filled the space, a melodic symphony of joy that danced in harmony with their escalating emotions.

As his lips found the sensitive spot just behind her ear, Lexi's giggles transformed into soft gasps, her fingers tracing fiery trails along his back. She playfully swatted at his chest, her breath hitching as he nipped at her earlobe.

"Charles," she half-scolded, half-laughed, her voice a mixture of teasing and anticipation. "Be patient."

He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of longing and amusement. "I can't help it," he confessed, a boyish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "You drive me crazy."

Lexi's cheeks flushed a rosy hue, her laughter filling the air once more. "Well, you'll have to wait a little longer," she replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "We're almost there."

Their journey continued with fervent kisses and whispered confessions, the anticipation building as they got closer to their destination. Charles's hand rested on her thigh, his fingers tracing soothing patterns against the fabric of her dress. The soft hum of the car's engine provided a soothing backdrop to their shared moments.

Finally, the car pulled up to the hotel entrance. Charles and Lexi reluctantly pulled away from each other, their breaths mingling in the air as they exchanged one final lingering kiss.

"We're here," the driver announced, his voice breaking the spell they were under.

With shared giggles and flushed cheeks, they stumbled out of the car, their steps slightly unsteady from both the alcohol and their building desire. Charles's arm instinctively wrapped around Lexi's waist, supporting her as they made their way into the hotel.

Inside the lobby, they shared one more heated kiss, the taste of each other's lips intoxicating. Their laughter rang out, a joyous symphony that echoed through the grand space. As they stumbled toward the elevators, Lexi's laughter echoed in the air as she struggled with her heels, a playful glint in her eyes. 

Charles watched with a mixture of amusement and impatience, his groan of frustration only earning another giggle from her. However, before she could make much progress, Charles swiftly swept her off her feet, lifting her over his shoulder.

"Charles!" Lexi protested, playfully swatting at his back. "Put me down!"

But her protests only seemed to amuse him further. With a chuckle, he stepped into the elevator, the doors sliding shut behind them. Lexi's laughter mixed with a mock exasperated sigh as she squirmed in his grasp.

"Charles, seriously, let me go," she demanded, her voice laced with laughter.

He leaned in close, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of her earlobe. "Mon Ange," he murmured, his tone teasing. "I've got you right where I want you."

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