Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc

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Aurelie Jules Leclerc hated men. 

She despised their presumption of superiority, their innate belief that life had dealt them a superior hand to her just by the organ that sat between their legs. Were they born into the lineage of multi-world champion F1 drivers? Unless their names were Archie and Louis Leclerc, it was highly unlikely. 

Were they billionaires? 

Again, the odds were against it. 

Yet, despite her formidable lineage and undeniable prowess, Aurelie constantly found herself underestimated and belittled by men throughout her life. And she loathed every moment of it.

However, Aurelie was not one to succumb to victimhood. Instead, she wielded her perceived innocence and sweetness like a double-edged sword. If a man deemed her as such, she played the role flawlessly. She revelled in the attention and adoration, knowing full well how to manipulate their expectations to her advantage. But when faced with arrogance and rudeness, she adopted an air of feigned naivety, luring them into her trap with calculated precision.

This duality served as both a shield and a weapon, a means of navigating a world that constantly sought to diminish her. To those closest to her, she was a beloved enigma, capable of eliciting unwavering devotion with a mere flutter of her eyelashes. Yet, to the outside world, she was a force to be reckoned with—a walking contradiction, simultaneously alluring and intimidating.

In this dichotomy, Aurelie found empowerment. She thrived on the chaos she wrought, revelling in the discord she sowed among those foolish enough to underestimate her. For Aurelie Jules Leclerc, being underestimated was not a weakness—it was her greatest strength. And she wielded it with unapologetic ferocity, leaving a trail of shattered expectations in her wake.

Throughout her younger years, AJ couldn't shake the nagging sense of inequality that shadowed her every move. While her brothers basked in the freedom of adolescence, staying out late with friends and navigating the world with a sense of autonomy, Aurelie was cloistered within the protective embrace of her family. At first, she resented this apparent disparity, chafing against the perceived limitations imposed upon her.

However, as time wore on, Aurelie came to realize that what she initially perceived as suffocating protection was, in fact, a privilege. While her brothers braved the cold streets on their solitary walks home, she was always met by the comforting presence of her father, ever ready to ensure her safe passage. And if he happened to be unavailable, a legion of uncles stood at the ready, their unwavering loyalty a testament to the fierce bond that bound the Leclerc family together.

Yet, Aurelie couldn't help but question the motives behind this overprotective vigilance. Why were they so determined to shield her from the world's harsh realities? Was it simply because she was a woman, deemed too fragile and delicate to fend for herself? The thought rankled her, igniting a firestorm of resentment against the stereotypes that sought to confine her within narrow confines.

With each passing day, Aurelie's bitterness towards her gender swelled, fueled by the pervasive notion that she was somehow lesser, simply by her sex. She refused to bow to society's dictates, adamantly rejecting the notion that she was incapable of charting her own course. 

And in her mother, Alexandra, Aurelie found a steadfast ally in her battle against gender norms. Together, they defied expectations, dismantling stereotypes with each triumph they achieved.

For Aurelie Jules Leclerc, being a woman wasn't a limitation—it was a challenge to be conquered, a barrier to be shattered. And with her mother by her side, she faced the world head-on, unyielding in her determination to prove that she belonged in the fiercely competitive world of Formula One.

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